View Full Version : crazy, crazy monsters!

lucky melatonin
03-21-2008, 10:25 AM
do your birds act insane when you're on the telephone? i cannot get on the phone without them completely losing it! they instantly jump right on me and hang from my ears squaking and biting, clinging onto my ears and the phone! it's like their jealous that i'm not paying attention to them at that moment because the second i get off the phone, they are fine!

it's pretty embarassing when it's an important call and i have to be holding my breathe to keep from screaming in pain, haha! i'm like oooooowww, hold on emily, hold on, you can make it!

the guy from the bank was like, "sounds like you got some type of feisty animal on your hands..." i was like "yeah, two of them." :rofl:

03-21-2008, 10:44 AM
the guy from the bank was like, "sounds like you got some type of feisty animal on your hands..." i was like "yeah, two of them." :rofl:

:clap :clap

Fenway used to be this way when he was an only bird. I would be on the phone and he'd be biting the mouthpiece, the earpiece, me....:x

Whenever he did it the person I was talking to said it sounded like morse code!! :rofl: :rofl:

He was probably sending out some sort of S O S....:nyah:

03-21-2008, 10:48 AM
Luna is like that too!!:rofl: I am continually switching from one ear to the other trying to keep her away from it and my hand holding it.:omg:

03-21-2008, 12:06 PM
At first Goof was "not pleased" with my using either the cell phone or the home phone. He was a brutal little thing but fortunately he had taken most of this disliking out on the phones instead of me. Every now and then he would also try to pull my fingers away from the phone so as to make me let go of it. Anymore he seems very forgiving and will intently listen in on the conversation. BUT! Sometimes if he's getting scritches or attention he'll get pissed off and attack the phone when I answer. Really, I'm not yet entirely sure if he's frightened from the ringer or just mad because we've been interrupted. I now have friends and neighbors who wish to speak to him whenever we're on the phone together and he does chirp back to them. Even my mother in law who's been in a nursing facility since 2005 "insists" on speaking to Goofy lovebird whenever my wife calls to see how she's doing. If this keeps up I wouldn't be surprized if some day the phone rings and they only ask for Goofy :roll:!.....................:)

03-21-2008, 02:24 PM
Yep, I have the same problem. I cured it - put the phone on speaker and they all flew back to the birdroom :rofl: Then Lori (bellarains) called one night and they heard her birds in the phone - they went nuts! Thanks Lori! :whistle:

03-21-2008, 03:30 PM
yep - same problem here. kiwi likes to bite the phone cord, mouthpiece, until i let him talk to whoever is on the line. i must admit, not everyone i talk to likes to hear a VERY loud chirp in their ears, but if i don't let him say hello, he will keep picking away at the phone till i do! :( :blush:

do you think maybe kiwi has too much control in our house???????????? :confused: ;) :whistle:

03-21-2008, 03:38 PM
Husbands, kids and lovebirds! They all act that way when I'm on the phone! :whistle:

03-24-2008, 02:13 PM
LOL...Peaches is the same way! He goes crazy when I'm on the phone. He wants to play with the buttons on the phone, then he gently (sometimes) nips my ear. Jumps around and chrips like crazy!
Even if I put the phone on speaker, he won't leave it alone...crazy boy!

Hugs, Lisa

03-24-2008, 09:50 PM
I get the combo attack my tiel pohaku decides shes talking on the phone also and gets as close as she can to the mouth piece makeing as many of her calls and whistles as she can untill i move her to the top of my head and then sunshine gets jealous pohaku is on me so he flies over to nip at her and my ear and give me a few growls just to let everyone know who owns the top of my head lol

03-25-2008, 05:39 AM
Fenway does the same thing! I told my mother that Fen gets jealous of the phone. When he's out and on my shoulder (or where ever) when I'm on the phone, he attacks it because it's in "his" place. LOL. If he's in his cage and I'm on the phone, he let's it be known that he is not pleased. LOL.

03-27-2008, 09:58 AM
Eddie wedges his body between my cheek and the phone and refuses to move.

Looks like I am talking on a bird!