View Full Version : Ok so its been roughly 6 months

07-20-2005, 02:22 AM
Ok so its been roughly 6 months since we were blessed with my Trixie Bunny.

What have I learned? To much to tell. I wish those funk-heads (fuNk: type of music) at EZBOARD (and they can STILL kiss my rockstar A$$) hadn’t lost all our threads. There was one in particular I wanted to follow-up on concerning the profound effects that lovies can have on us.

I knew life would pose a time when the challenges seemed insurmountable. In the last 60 days so many things have gone haywire I wont even bother making a list or I would be here typing all night. However suffice ti to say life has been more challenging in the past 60 days than in the past 4 or 5 years put together.

Time? What’s that? I don’t have any!
Stress? Bring it. I eat stress for a snack.
Work? Bring it. I have so much now, it’s almost like having 70 lovies. What’s another 4 or 5?
People dying? Yep That’s been happening.
People sick? Yep. To many to list including me.
Equipment problems? Yep. Murphy’s law has been the rule lately.

It doesn’t matter though. Whatever it is, bring it (except sickness and death, those things suck). Yeah I said bring it.

Trixie Bunny has given me so much love and enabled me with so much peace focus and power, I can handle anything.

There are times now when she looks at me, and I know what she wants. I will be working and then as I wait on a download or while I am on the speakerphone, I will hold her in one hand, and rub her beak and her feathers on her head with another while I kiss her. She looks right onto me with her powerful jedi force and something happens. Whatever it is, now matter how bad it is just isn’t so bad anymore. She is so fragile, and I have been trusted with her. I am a good daddy, and in return she has given me her jedi powers.

Darth Vader? Come and get some, I do not fear you.

I’m not sure how some of you feel, but I know this. I can’t imagine life without my Trixie Bunny.

A while back in EZBOARD land Shy responded to a post I had made and through her amazing story telling abilities, she allowed me to see the world from Trixie’s point of view.
You know how people say there are 10 life defining moments? I’m not kidding. That was one of those moments... the day I saw through Trixie's eyes.

Thank you Shy.

The first 3 weeks I had Trixie Bunny I changed, and I have grown so much as a person, as a musician, as a businessman, as a husband, as a mentor/teacher, as a friend since.

Trtixie is with me a lot (because my office and recording studio are here in mine and Karen’s home). I am the bonded one. She can be with Karen or anyone else who happens to be around and when I walk into the room, life stops, she calls for me as she hears me walking (I swear she knows the rhythm of my walk) I call back to her and when I walk into the room, we make eye contact and then she flies to my shoulder when I get close. We rub beak to nose and share a look and a feeling I can’t explain.

I hope all of you and your lovies have the kind of bond I have with my Trixie Bunny.

Thank You each and every one of you. Without your kindness, teachings, encouragement and patience with me in the beginning I would not be the super human I have become (and in the process Trixie has also shown me how much more I have left to go. Talk about feeling humbled and empower at the same time!) and thank you for not giving up on me too. My motorcycle board and hockey board mates have given up on me cause I have been absent lately so I really appreciate all of you so much!

Even with all the trials and tribulations life I have had lately, my life has evolved and so many powerful things have come about because of these tribulations.... and all of this has happened because Karen's cousin surprised me with my Trixie Bunny for a late Christmas present just over 6 months ago.

Oh yeah….... all of my rough and tough rockstar friends? They envy me even more than they did. Not only am I the alpha bird, I am also the alpha male in my circles. As a lot of you who know me know, they made fun of me when I first got Trixie, and would say things like "Hey dude, your supposed to be a rock star not a zoo keeper, so what’s up with the bird?" and stuff like that. I’m still a rock star and the alpha male. But I am so much more too.

I love my Trixie Bunny and in turn she has taught me how to love life in a special way.

In closing I have to also say that Trixie taught me how to love my awesome wife Karen even more than I did.

Thank you Trixie Bunny, daddy loves you.

07-20-2005, 06:17 AM
Perran, welcome back!! I have sooooo missed your truly inspirational posts!

I am sorry to hear about some of the difficulties that have flown your way recently. They sound momentous and life-changing in their own right. Certainly the death of a loved one and personal illness are. I hope you are well soon, and that Karen is handling it all as well as possible. There are times in a marriage when you learn how much you prop each other up ... or not, for some couples.

I know you are finding that you have grown throughout your ordeals. We have a saying in our house about that kind of personal development: Growth S*cks. Someday we will follow through with our promise, or threat, to have that put on t-shirts.

I think most of us have experienced that human-lovebird bond, where you have really gotten in touch with your inner-lovebird. I have that going on especially with two birds in our flock: Sammy of course. He just lights up when I am around, and I feel humbled by it. And Gracie. She let me know yesterday that I am still special to her. She chose to stay out with me for some personal time after George and Didjit went back to their cage.

With Gracie, it's not a touchie-feely snuggly situation. She is still learning. But she will sit on me for the longest time, look very deeply into my eyes, and tell me about the trial and tribulations of living with two guys in her cage. Yesterday it was just appreciation between the two of us, a remembrance of who we are to each other. Gracie is the first bird to come into our lives. She will always be the first bird. And maybe, just maybe, we are the first humans who didn't act like brutes to her.

Thank you for the update. Your stress tolerance has found a new level, but I sincerely hope life starts treating you better soon.
