View Full Version : Ok so Trixie Bunny is about 7 months old... now what?

07-20-2005, 02:37 AM
How will she start to change now (if she is even a she, I havent done the DNA yet.. its part of a growing list of things I am behind on).

And how much more time do I have to train her, teach her tricks and stuff? She is as tame as any bird I have read about but I havent really taught her any tricks yet. I know there isnt a solid timeline, but some general ideas will be very appreciated.

Thank you!

07-20-2005, 07:54 AM
Hey Perran,

You may not see any huge changes still for a while. Peepo is almost one year (her hatchday is the 7/29). I've not had her sexed, but I'm 99.9% sure she's a hen based on her behavior. Peepo hasn't gotten nesty on me... yet. She likes to sit inside her food dish and peek out over the edge, so I imagine some day she might lay eggs there. :roll:

Dee's Oliver didn't lay eggs until she was about 3 years old, so I think you can live by the lovebird rule: expect the unexpected! When they get hormonal, use caution - they'll let you know in their terms.

And how much more time do I have to train her, teach her tricks and stuff?
That is up to Trixie Bunny! :rofl: Janie didn't get her Oliver until he was about 9 years old, and he's learned all sorts of new things.... or maybe he's just done a good job at training Janie!

07-20-2005, 08:29 AM

I think your Trixie and my PP are about the same age, or PP is about a month older.

And PP has been VERY hormonal! So hormonal that I am almost positive she's a hen based on her behavior. (I havn't had her DNA sex!)

She's been quite nippy with me, just little nips I think more of a testing of dominance then anything...but she lets me know with her nips all the time, that I am beginning to pick up on what her nips mean. There are nips to tell me she wants back in her cage, nips to tell me to give her a treat, nips to hurry up hanging up a treat, etc.

She's also been VERY nesty lately. So nesty that she seeks out the weirdest things to attempt building a nest. AND in the weirdest spot! (I have been, because of her age, very deligent at trying to discourage her from getting these ideas!) Weird places include the armpit of my teddy bear, in a plastic box, etc. Her nesting materials included one of those huge white poster board which I had folded up as a preventive of her getting into a little opening. Instead, she shredded the ENTIRE poster board. Then there is the stem of her sprigs of flax seeds, canary grass, and millet sprays! She's more intrested in the stem then the actual seed now! She sits there and chew them up till its nice and pliable and shapes them into some sort of so called "nest." Also she dunks pieces of her pinata into her water bowl all the time. If it wasn't for her age, and my fear of egg binding, it would be almost cute!

And of course her "attempts" at mating. The little clicky sound she makes, the shaking of her butt feathers, the butt in the air and the wings held out as if she's an airplane, etc.

And her little head bobbing as if begging to be fed, and then the sudden intrests in my lips. I think she expects/wants me to regurgitate something for her. lol. Everytime I go kiss her, she gives me that look like... when are you going to THROW up for me already?! lol.

Plus she has been very aggressive towards her birdie friend, who I also think is a female, but younger. She pretty much harrasses her so much, that I have to keep them seperated and keep their play time together highly supervised. The sad part is, they've been caged together fine for the past 4 months, until PP turned itch with a B.

I havent bother teaching her any tricks. I don't think I'm going to, as she's entertaining as is, tamed enough for me to enjoy her, and seem to be very happy and very confident in her little world that revolves of course around her! lol.

07-20-2005, 08:30 AM

I don't think that little sweetie will change at all. As long as her/his routine stays the same, the only thing that might possible change is if she is a she, and well, then she might be a little protective of her territory and her eggies. That's just par for the course I guess, although Lacey is not territorial of anything other than her nestbox. That????? That's HERS!!!! :omg:

07-20-2005, 10:04 PM
That????? That's HERS!!!! Rule #1. Hens rule.

07-20-2005, 10:22 PM
Rule #1. Hens rule.
Lovebird Rule #2: When in doubt, refer to Rule #1!!! :happy:

07-20-2005, 10:45 PM
It's so funny, I have my two boys for a while. They are predictable and happy and bonded. They create very little mess and their mischeif is relatively small....

Then comes Peepo! The boys rapidly teach her anything bad that they can! She immediately RULES over them! Luka is under a weird hen spell! :eek: Peter is outcast (yeah, right, as much as you can exclude Peter!!!!! NOT!). Peepo has me changing her water several times a day.. running here and there... fightning that weird hen spell and loosing! :confused:

07-21-2005, 11:34 AM
Perran: I'd think how a bird changes really depends on the bird itself. If Trixie Bunny really is a female she won't necessarily become mean and nesty. While I do have several "nesty" females, I have two of the sweetest females you could ask for. My Babygirl is a chronic layer but as sweet as can be even when she is in her nestbox protecting her babies. My lovie Babiest Bubber is also female and one of the sweetest birds ever. She isn't mean, dominant and doesn't bite even though she doesn't at all like being handled.

07-21-2005, 01:26 PM
Perran, I adopted my lovie, Oliver, just about two years ago and I can tell you that even at his age (around 9, we think) he is STILL changing all the time. He does have his "set" routines but still manages to add a little something new at least once a week. For the last week he's started doing the cutest little thing at bed time. After I cover him, I always peek in at him on the side that I leave slightly open. Just to say goodnight one more time, etc. He's started running back and forth on his favorite rope perch and he turns his back to me and gives me MY favorite little call. I laugh and he does it a time or two again

07-22-2005, 09:56 PM
Trixie Bunny is 7 months old :omg: When did that happen!

07-22-2005, 10:05 PM
Actually, I think I miscounted because I have had her for 7 months and she was 6 or 7 weeks when I got her !!!!!!!!!!!

:omg: :omg: :omg:

07-22-2005, 10:08 PM
Regardless of whether Trixie is a male or a female, you have a mature lovebird now. Behavior will change.

07-22-2005, 10:27 PM
Actually I JUST mispoke AGAIN cause I have had her for 6 months and 2 weeks not 7 months


07-22-2005, 10:31 PM
That's close enough............................................ ... My own personal thoughts are that Trixie is a male.

07-23-2005, 01:42 AM
I think Trixie Bunny is a great name for a boy lovie :rofl: :rofl:

07-23-2005, 09:00 PM
That's close enough............................................ ... My own personal thoughts are that Trixie is a male.

Noooooo! She's supposed to be Ditto's girlfriend. :happy:

07-24-2005, 01:32 PM
Hey Dave.... I don't recall.... are you SURE Ditto is male???
just a thought ;) ;) ;) it could work out to be a match made in heaven still....
and I might add, Dee's Oliver was a DNA sexed male for over two years until SHE started laying eggs - no more tests needed!

07-24-2005, 02:01 PM
Hey Dave.... I don't recall.... are you SURE Ditto is male???
just a thought ;) ;) ;) it could work out to be a match made in heaven still....
and I might add, Dee's Oliver was a DNA sexed male for over two years until SHE started laying eggs - no more tests needed!

Nope, don't know it for a fact. Just a hunch.

07-25-2005, 01:25 AM
At first we thought Trixie Bunny was a chick based on a hunch. A couple fo weeks agi we began to wonder. Now even Linda thinks she might be a he.

Im getting the dang test done and over with as soon as I find a good one.

Then we can determine who is whos gf or bf or whatever they end up being through cyberspace :D