View Full Version : Why do they act like this?

03-30-2008, 08:20 AM
I have 2 lovebirds that share a cage together, an Aussie Cin and an Olive. I also have a whitefaced violet pied in a separate with a normal colored one. The first 2 mentioned get along with the normal but want to kill and always chase away the violet pied. Could it be her color? What could be setting those two off to act like this?:confused: :confused:

03-30-2008, 01:07 PM
Really, making a determination as to "exactly" why this is happening may take some time or just a little research. Much depends on when and how they were introduced along with other factors such as gender, age, territorial disputes, jealousy, and so on. Colour can add to this but more than likely its for territorial reasons or otherwise. In general, hens are the least likely to be accepting of other "intruders" but males are not exempt from this behavior either. Even new birds just introduced may sometimes show aggression towards resident birds and attack them as well. If in fact your lovebird/s have taken it upon themselves the admonition of one of your flock members its usually advised to keep them separate at all times as serious injury or even death can result. For this reason its a good thing you've managed to noticed this behavior ahead of time. Hopefully some others here with multiple lovebirds can also share their views.