View Full Version : Peanut's excellent adventure

03-30-2008, 09:53 AM
So, yesterday we took Peanut to get his wings clipped and we had a few errands to run so we thought we'd just take him along since it was a gorgeous day. Hubby had to get oil and brake pads for our car so we stopped off at the auto parts store first. Hubby went in while Peanut and I waited in the car. But, when hubby came back out, Peanut stretched his neck way up there...I swear he recognized his daddy!! :clap

Then we went to Walmart and took Peanut in with us :D He was in his carrier with a blankie covering up most of it but he could see out. He was taking everything in. I could have sworn he was thinking, 'So, this is where mommy goes when she leaves the house.'

Peanut did not make a peep in Walmart! No one knew he was there except one lady who had bent down to look at something and came eye to eye with him. She was shocked LOL and said, "Hi there little birdy."

Then we came home and Peanut got a bath and he sat and preened and took a really long nap. He enjoyed his day with his mommy :)

03-30-2008, 09:55 AM
Aww, how sweet! I'd love to take Fenway places with me. LOL. He would chirp the whole time, though.

I was planning on taking Fenway to my work on my day off today, but I have a sick human child. The only place I am going today is to the store to get ginger ale. LOL.

03-30-2008, 10:57 AM
Ohno! Hope the human child gets better real soon! Is it the flu? Poor baby! I am a wreck when my human children get sick. How on earth my 20 yo and my 18 yo ever survived childhood is beyond me LOL If I had to do it again, I think I'd bubble wrap my kids for their whole childhood ;)

03-30-2008, 11:44 AM
It's a stomach bug. No fever or other symptoms. He threw up a few times and is now running around like a madman. They are so resilient. Meanwhile, I've had the same cold now for about two weeks. LOL.

Buy A Paper Doll
03-31-2008, 04:48 PM
I think it's good to get them used to car rides, so they don't always associate getting in the car with going to the vet. :) I wish I had done more of that earlier, as sometimes Milo gets so worked up in the car, that he plucks himself.

But we did have a fun little adventure a few weeks ago, when I took my birds to see their grandma (my mom), who lives in an assisted living facility for people with Alzheimer's disease. We were in the neighborhood, as their vet's office is about 5 miles away, so I figured, "why not?"

Several of the residents were hanging out with the activities director chatting when I came in. I took the birds out of the carrier one at a time, and I walked around with them to show the residents. And of course somebirdy (MILO!!! >: ) bit my mom, but that's exactly why I didn't let any of the other residents besides my mom try to touch them, because you just never know when that's going to happen.

Anyway they got to see them and hear them chirp, and it started up a good conversation with them about "what's the most unusual pet you had, what was its name," etc. and then we went home.

And that was the end of our little adventure. :)