View Full Version : Road Trip with Birdy

03-31-2008, 03:05 PM
I'm thinking of taking off to Massachusetts to visit my parents next weekend. I'm considering taking Fenway with me. He has a travel cage like this, http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2753276 and I would pack up his other cage for when we get to the house.

It's about a 9-11 hour drive. What do you think? I could let him travel in his regular cage, but I think with everything moving around so much, it might scare him.

03-31-2008, 03:40 PM
My biggest concern is that 9-11 hours is a long time to be in a car, even for people! :omg:

I have only taken one bird in the car for a length of time (about 1 1/2 hours), and that was when I brought Wrigley home with me. He was in his then current live-in cage, strapped in the seat next to me. He seemed to be fine in his big cage, looking around and actually seemed to enjoy it.

My Fenway also enjoyed the only car ride he's been on, and that was the trip to his vet last summer. He was also in a similar cage to the one Wrigley had, and he LOVED looking around, and flapped his wings as though he was flying, sitting there next to me. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'm sure someone else has better advice, as my experience was nowhere near as long of a ride as you intend.

03-31-2008, 04:18 PM
Hi Kristina,

The longest one way road trip that Oliver made with me was a 5 hour drive to visit my mom in TN. I did stop every hour just to offer him water. There was seed and millet in the cage. I actually took him in his night cage which, while small for a permanent cage, is much larger than your travel cage. I was able to "bungi cord" it in the back seat and positioned the cage to that I could see him through my visor mirror. If I should make another trip with any of my three I would use a travel size cage like you have and like I use for vet trips.

Oliver did fine on that trip. He was very quite for the first 30 miles but as he became more comfortable he would chirp back to me anytime I gave him a whistle. I did talk to him a lot! :D

I think Fenway will be fine if you make frequent stops.

03-31-2008, 05:40 PM
I do know that Fenway doesn't mind the car.

He has another travel cage that's bigger, but it falls apart easy, so I don't like it much. LOL. It wouldn't be a problem putting him in the other one because it will have to be in the back seat anyway (it won't fit in the trunk), I just think he would spend most of his time in his hut or on the floor on a towel. He has a hut in the travel cage, a toy bell and a perch. I can do the same thing I usually do with the dog and freeze water in a cup (or bowl for Fen), so I can give it to him easily (or get one of the bowls that screws to the bars of the cage). With the dog, I put the cup in the cup holder and she drinks when she wants. LOL. I don't have any problems stopping and offering water either.

Edited to add: Carrie, 9-11 hours is a cake walk! We just moved up here from South Carolina and that drive was 15-18 hours. And you have to drive through SC and NC, the two most boring states on the East Coast! LOL.

03-31-2008, 06:24 PM
Beetle had the same travel carrier. I used for trips to & from the vet and the groomer's. For a longer journey, such as the one you are taking, I would suggest either a larger version of that style cage or a smaller bird cage, with a few secure perches (like those rope perches or a grapevine perch). That's just my opinion, though. When I had budgies, I would travel with them in their cage. I would remove their toys and swings and belt the car into the seat ;) It worked out well for them. Both Beetle and the budgies seemed to enjoy car rides.

You can also leave a slice of apple or a halved grape in the carrier with Fenway to help him get some moisture.

I can't imagine that a long ride would be harmful, just so long as you are keeping an eye on Fenway by offering periodic breaks (which you'll likely want, anyway). He might not eat or drink as much as being on the road is a bit of a change from day-to-day life. Just be cautious to make sure that he's not overheating or too cold.

Best of luck -- road trips with critters can be a lot of fun!


03-31-2008, 07:01 PM
I have that same carrier for Peanut. He traveled with us on a 7 hour road trip, but he was out for most of the trip...which is a big no no!! But there was 2 of us so one watched the road and the other took care of Peanut.

04-12-2008, 03:55 AM
Our two birds traveled accross the country with us from VA to AZ in a carrier just like that one. They did very well in it during driving time. We did move them into a full size cage upon arrival at our hotel stops along the way. We had them between the two front seats in our Tahoe and they loved the trip. Finny would chirp along to the radio and also chirp his displeasure at the loud trucks that passed us. They both enjoyed being able to see a bit around them outside the car. For a trip that included 2 dogs 2 birds and 2 humans all in the same car for 4 days it was not bad at all. I do think it depends on the bird though as some may not enjoy riding in the car. I personally would not recommend a larger cage for travel as the larger it is the more damage it could cause your lovie in the case of a fast brake. They do also sell little dishes for that size cage as well so they can have food and water while they travel.
Hope you both enjoy your trip.

04-12-2008, 04:47 AM
My personal preference are the airline approved carriers. In case of an accident, they are much studier. Many of my tame lovebirds really like traveling so I want them to be safe should the unexpected happen.

I remember taking Miracle with me on an overnight trip that took me 12 hrs from home. I was by myself and I made it a point to take a break every 2 hrs. I got a break from driving and Miracle got to come out of her carrier for some "mommy" time. She did very well and I was glad I took her with me. (I actually had no choice, as she had periodic seizures and no one but me knew what to do for her when it happened.)