View Full Version : New Bun Bun

04-01-2008, 11:31 PM
Hi everyone
I know it's not birdie related, but i wanted to share some pics of my cute new bunny, Baxter aka Baxy Bun aka Sugar Bun- bun. He was not an easter bunny, just to assure you that I didn't casually buy a bunny for easter, he was a gift to my little sister (which was thoughtless on the gift- er's part:x) and of course, he ended up being my bun, because children are generally not good with cleaning up after anything that poops too much. I love him to bits though... he is a snuggler. Just thought I'd spread the cuteness around...:)


04-01-2008, 11:52 PM
Thanks for sharing, dani!
Baxter is adorable! My daughter had a bunny for a while (Booboo bunny) but he kept growing (5+ pounds!) so she had to find a home that had a bigger space for him! He was a joy to have around and, while I was glad we found someone who was willing to take him and pamper him, I missed him when he was no longer here. Bunnies are really neat! :)

04-02-2008, 03:28 AM
I want a bunny...but I want a dwarf one and it has to be light brown in colour...when I find one that fits my ideal..I might buy one, till then I have my birds.

04-02-2008, 05:23 AM

We had a lop eared dwarf rabbit for a while, called Jessica. We had made the mistake of buying her as company for my guinea pig, but she menaced him, and mounted him constantly as she reached maturity, and we had to find a new home for her in the end.

04-02-2008, 07:47 AM
Cute Bunny Dani!

I think he is gonna get pretty big. His ears give it away. I think he looks like a New Zealand White?

I bred and showed rabbits for about 12 years of my childhood. I raised Netherland Dwarfs (which had 24 color varieties recognized by ARBA at the time, I am sure there are many more now). I had 50 or more at a time! Thank God for auto waterers.... of course I live in New England so .... that was a nightmare with the crocks all winter. I had a couple Dutch and I raised mini lops later in life for fun.

I think a Holland Lop is one of the cutest bunnies and makes a decent pet (not as fiesty as the Netherland). (As good as a rabbit could ever be) I only had a few bunnies that really loved to be held, and those were the ones that were hoping I would let them do the swishy swishy dance ;) !! My bunnies were never mean, but they don'y crave attention like a velcro bird!

Good luck with your bunny, if you have any questions, I actually could answer them (unlike lovebird questions:)).

04-02-2008, 08:17 AM
What a cutie!! I love bunnies. We had a Dutch rabbit when I was a child. If I had room for...:whistle:

04-02-2008, 08:18 AM
Dani :omg: seriously cute bunny !!!!!!! :) What a sweet face!!! Do you know how big it's going to get???

04-02-2008, 09:15 AM
I don't know what kind of bunny he is :( but if he's going to grow into those big ears then he'll get pretty big! :lol... Laura, your guess is probably much better than mine. All i know is that he's a cutie:D and he's an attention hog. Ammy has had a peek at him, and thinks he's a "good girl girl!!! " :lol

04-02-2008, 09:19 AM
So Cute!! I have been tempted on occasion to buy me a bunny, but then I think back to highschool when I baby sat one and it made noise all night long!!! I need to have a big house so I can put it's cage all the way at the opposite end of the house from my bedroom at night :D... Anyhoo Thanks for sharing!!

04-02-2008, 10:23 AM
Rabbit sweat through their ears, so although some breeds have naturally small ears (the Netherland Dwarf), babies born in hot climates or in the summer up north will actually grow a larger ear to sweat better from.

An old breeder trick was to breed your Netherlands in the winter to get those tiny, regulation sized ears (2 inches or less). Although winter breeding is tougher because the babies can fall out of the nest and freeze quickly. Luckily we had horses and my mom would check them alot.

If you have your bunny in a cage where he is actually touching the shavings, he may develop a respitory issue if you use pine. I kept my bunnies on wire, but gave them a flat piece of wood to rest their paws on.

04-02-2008, 10:43 AM
What a sweet bun-bun! :D

I have always wanted a bunny...one with big prick-ears like that!

My problem is that I would want to litter train my bunny, and now with the new Scottie puppy running the apartment, any bunny would undoubtedly be in trouble. :rolleyes: Terriers were bred to "go to ground" after any burrowing animal, and sweet buns are in that category.

Maybe one day when I win the lotto and buy my HUGE home and build the aviary, kennels, salt-water tank, stable, etc. I can have bun-buns too. ;)

04-02-2008, 10:45 AM
Maybe one day when I win the lotto and buy my HUGE home and build the aviary, kennels, sanctuary, etc. I can have bun-buns too. ;)

:rofl: I thought I was the only one with that plan!!! :happy:

04-02-2008, 11:26 AM
I want a pair of guinea pigs. They are soooo cuddly and sweet.

I don't want anything right now with messy shavings though :)

04-03-2008, 05:44 PM
Rabbit sweat through their ears, so although some breeds have naturally small ears (the Netherland Dwarf), babies born in hot climates or in the summer up north will actually grow a larger ear to sweat better from.

Laura... that's why his ears are so big and cute!!! hehe... he's a tropical climate bunny! He was in a wire cage with a wooden flooring but he would always fling himself on the sides when anyone walked by, because he is a total attention hog, and his big ole ears would hit against the wire. He now lives in one of these:
but he gets to run around and play regularly.
I am having hay problems though, we don't have alot of the kind of grass that they recommend on the rabbit sites growing here, and I don't want to take the chance and give him any old kind of grass. He eats lots of leafy greens though.