View Full Version : Bird carrier options...

04-02-2008, 07:43 PM
I think I've run the gumut on most parrot travel carriers. Years back before Goofy lovebird I don't ever remember having the variety of travel cages that are available on the market today so a couple of these are kind of exciting. Lately, Goof gets transported to the vet via a small quality hamster cage with a handle on top. The kind where the bottom doesn't fall out by accident! I tried those material collapsable type but getting him in and out was like forcing a stray cat into a paper bag. And those kennel type with small holes seemed so confining. To Goofy at least the small cage was far more acceptable. So much for most of those pretty flowered travel carriers :roll:. Anyways, recently I've seen this one advertised and its been getting great reviews. http://www.birdsupplies.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=WING&Show=TechSpecs These seem to be far better than the older lexan variety.

Well, they are kind of pricey though and I'm not sure just how hot they could get in a warmer climate so the optional cage type door for ventilation would likely be a must have item even here in the N.E..... Yup, its a bit pricey too :wink:!...........So, my next thoughts are.... Why does everything we "think" we need have to cost so much?.....Perhaps the younger generation can give me the answer I'm looking for................:)

04-02-2008, 08:45 PM
While pricey, ithe Wingabago is a nice option and they are of a decent size, esp. for a lovebird. If the measurements for the SST door are suitable for a lovie, I think that it would make for a suitable carrier. While on the small side for housing, it would likely be suitable for the occasional overnight stay away from home or would be OK as a sleeping cage at home.

One thing w/ the Wingabago: HEAT. I've read more than one account of birds overheating in acrylic carriers. I'm surprised that the SST door isn't standard at this point.

Another complaint that I've heard re: the Wingabago is that the handle is small and can be someone painful to use. That said, it's not as if you are carting your bird around in the carrier while taking long walks in the park. If you are mainly using it to go from house to car to vet and back again, it should be fine.

And yes: what is it w/ pricey goodies? I mean, I'd love to get a dSLR but they are just SOOO expensive!

04-02-2008, 09:12 PM
And yes: what is it w/ pricey goodies? I mean, I'd love to get a dSLR but they are just SOOO expensive!
Right now, anything plastic is expensive because plastic is oil based.......

When transporting birds during hot weather, cage/carrier placement in our cars can vary greatly, depending on where the cage/carrier is placed. While I like to have my birds as close to where I am as possible, I have to remember that putting them on the seat beside me and the sun coming through the windshield only to shine right on the cage/carrier can create heat intense enough to kill my bird. The back seat is probably a better choice, especially if I want to put a seat belt around the cage/carrier.

The other thing you have to remember is what's going to happen in the event of an accident. Air bags will deploy and they release chemicals into the air inside the car. Those chemicals can cause damage to me so I cover my carriers when traveling to protect the bird that is traveling with me.

04-03-2008, 04:41 AM
You know Eliza, heat was really the first issue to deter any investment. Obviously, I hadn't heard much about the downside as most of what I've been reading is advertisement. Contrary to whats been stated also was the was the benefit of sunlight possibly getting filtered out by the plastic itself during a sit down session in the park. Anymore though from reading about all the close encounters with others losing a beloved parrot to the elements its use as far as I'm concerned would be limited to travel between home and the vets office. You know Linda, I've never covered his travel cage during car rides with the exception of cold weather between going from house to vehicle. Usually I travel 2 hours to the vets office with him strapped in up front in full view :(! Air bags?....I think a couple big changes will be made in regards to the methods in which we travel..........:)

04-03-2008, 04:55 PM
Right now, anything plastic is expensive because plastic is oil based...

Linda, I am embarrassed to say that I NEVER thought of that >o