View Full Version : never take stuff for granted

04-02-2008, 09:47 PM
Well.... today i decided to take Kiwi outside to get some fresh air (that was a mistake) I went on our swing while I let him walk in the backyard making sure I could still see him. He walked into this garden with a large tree in it, then all of a sudden a hawk swooped down to get Kiwi I screamed at the top of my lungs and it turned around I started screaming.... there were a million thoughts in my mind (did it get Kiwi????) but i couldn't stop screaming and crying!!!:cry: :cry: :cry: i got down on my hands and knees not even 15 seconds later and was searching for Kiwi but I didn't see him anywhere (which made me scream even more) then my mom saw him about 2 minutes later I grabbed him and wouldn't let go..... i brought him inside and was still crying i never thought it would actually happen to me!!! I just want to tell everybody to never take anything for granted and I will never bring my bird in the backyard without him being in his cage again!!!!!!!! even though this story had a happy ending I am just so surprised..... it was CRAZY :very_sad: :( :very_sad: :eek:

04-02-2008, 10:55 PM
First of all, I'm glad that Kiwi is OK! That's the most important thing right now. Lesson learned, almost the hard way.......

With the exception of New Zealand, predator birds are almost everywhere, even if you don't expect to find them in your area. Trust me! They are there!

If you aren't familiar with Pale Male and Lola, they are a pair of hawks that have made their home on a ledge of a building on Park Avenue in NYC. Yes, hawks can be found anywhere! http://www.palemale.com

04-03-2008, 04:05 AM
What a relief Kiwi is safe and sound! Just reading the first sentence of your post left me wondering if I really wanted to read the rest of it :(. Even though Kiwi survived a near tradegy its still a very nerve racking experience. Certainly "not" a fun way to learn anything! Glad to hear this was one horrifying event with a happy ending.............:)

04-03-2008, 05:48 AM
Wow! I'm glad Kiwi is okay! And I'm glad you're still alive and didn't have a heart attack! LOL.

We have a lot of hawks in our area. It surprised me because there are so many people here. I've seen a few over our neighborhood, too. I'm always afraid that a hawk is going to get the Mommy bird that nested on my wreath!

04-03-2008, 08:15 AM
That was a horribly close call! :(

Lesson learned, and YES we all should be grateful for the good things in life (while they're good).

I thank god every day that my pets are happy and healthy right now, especially after reading so many posts about sick, lost or unhappy birdies. I know this probably won't last forever, but I am grateful while things ARE good!!!! :)

04-03-2008, 08:27 AM
what an almost tragedy, with a thankfully happy ending.

I NEVER EVER take Kiwi outside with me, wing clip or not, unless he is in his carrying cage. I lost my beloved parrotlet 4 years ago that way, thinking he would be safe - one wind gust, and away he went. We never saw him again, despite a frantic long search. Thankfully, you learned a very difficult lesson, and Kiwi is back safe and sound with you. :)

04-03-2008, 08:44 AM
Wow, that was scary!! I'm glad everything turned out okay. I was sitting on the edge of my seat reading this! Also I read a story not too long ago about a bird being plucked out of it's cage that was on a porch by a hawk. I wouldn't consider them safe in a cage outside either, maybe if you were very close by...

The only time I took Luna outside was on accident, she flew off my shoulder into the grass and it scared the crap out of me. I ran and grabbed her and took her back inside thanking my lucky stars all the way.

04-03-2008, 09:30 AM
I'm so glad that Kiwi is OK! THANK YOU for sharing that horror story! It really is important for others to know that a hawk really can swoop down and take a bird, even if you're right there.

I was one who did (past tense) take my lovie, Oliver, outside. I walked my dog with him on my shoulder and I gardened in the back yard with him on my shoulder. What can I say, I GOT LUCKY! Oliver has not been outside, other than in his carrier to go to the vets, in 3 years and will never go out again unless he's in a carrier.

Again, I'm so glad that Kiwi is OK!

Pips mom
04-03-2008, 09:52 AM
We have tons of hawks around here-----I can see always see them flying high, they just soar without even flapping their wings most of the time. I actually saw one up close once, he was sitting on a fence post as I drove by and those birds are huge and scarey looking! beautiful birds, but boy they look mean and hungry! Rare to see them swooping down or down close to the ground, so I think sometimes people think that they won't come around, but one can be sitting in a tree somewhere watching and you'd never know! I take my birds outside quite a bit on nice summer days, but the tiel's have a nice good size carrier cage that they go out in and Pip can go out in his old cage-----bar spacing on both is very close together, I think half inch so nothing is going to get in there to get them! but I always have to keep an eye because you never know who's little dog might out there on the loose or even cat. We don't have many cats around here, but there is one neighbor who has a black one that I have seen outside on occasion, and even though they can't get the birds in the cage-----they can still scare them quite a bit if they ever came over to the cage, and a cat's claws can fit through those cage bars! There are predators everywhere for our birdies! and even if there wasn't, like someone said-----a nice big gust of wind can take them away too, so never ever chance it-----I know I never would!
Glad Kiwi is ok!

04-03-2008, 11:18 AM
:omg: YIKES! So glad that this story had a happy ending! Could have been so easy for it to go the other way... I'm another one who is just too paranoid to take my birds out unless its to the vet. Just not a gambler, I guess.. :)

04-03-2008, 11:40 AM
I'm going to add one more comment here, as this happened to me, although it happened inside the house.

If you are using a cage when you take your birds outside, make sure that the bottom is fastened to the upper part of the cage and make sure that fastening is secure! I use solid, one piece carriers outside but I can remember getting ready to load a cage with about 10 lovebirds in it into my car so that I could attend a local show. About 10' from my front door, the bottom fell off the cage and I had several lovebirds suddenly flying around my house!

Henceforth, I've been known to use ties to make sure the bottom doesn't separate from the top, even if I'm using a brand new cage! Additionally, all doors are secured with clips to keep them closed. You don't get a second chance once you leave the security of your home/apt/condo, etc.

04-04-2008, 04:19 PM
glad that kiwi is okay too! those hawks are something. i read a story awhile ago on another board where a hawk literally flew threw a screened porch in florida and carried away an african grey. the owner ran out of the house and followed the hawk and found her injured grey laying on the ground at the bottom of the tree. it was a miracle the bird was still alive! cause normally a hawk will break the birds neck right away. after numerous vet visits the bird is doing much better. you just never know!

04-05-2008, 02:00 PM
Thanks for all the support, I'm so thankful Kiwi is still here:happy:!!! I've actually only seen a hawk about 4 times in my life so I don't see them often. I never thought I would have to worry about a hawk swooping down to get Kiwi, but it happened and I will never forget now. In our neighborhood there are lots of cats so that was my main worry I have two cats of my own and whenever I let Kiwi out of his cage I make sure the cats are in a different room with the door closed!! Its funny to say but I'm actually scared of large birds now... :( every time I see one I just remember Kiwi's experience. Over the last week I've had really bad luck with Kiwi: Two days before the hawk, Kiwi flew on to the neighbors roof and they didn't want us to go up and get him (they aren't the nicest people) but I went up anyways and got him I put him back in his cage and he was safe again.I've had really bad experiences outside I should have learned from that but i didn't.... so now i have definitely learned my lesson:clap (hes staying inside!!!!!)

04-05-2008, 02:16 PM
I'm very, very glad that Kiwi's last adventure outside had a happy ending! Here is the URL to a post that I've stickied to one of the other forums. I could (and may) add a lot more to it, but it gets the point across just from what's written...

04-05-2008, 02:29 PM
Thanks for all the good advice I will remember it and make sure kiwi is always safe! :)