View Full Version : so angry!

lucky melatonin
04-03-2008, 05:06 PM
i love my birds, i do. but sometimes, i get so >: at them! i just bought a brand new phone, i've had it two days (and i'm definitely too broke to get another)...well, i went to get a glass of water and some cantaloupe, left them on the couch...and within the two minutes i was gone...

they completely ripped the cover off of my new phone. >: they chew everything i have, except the shredding toys i get them. :x

04-04-2008, 08:10 AM
I completely understand how you're feeling.

Although it's not been my birds, since getting Gracie, (the new puppy) I will need to replace: 2 small rugs, a shower curtain, a fleece pullover and three silk pillows. :mad:

(I am not going to mention the damage she's done to the wood detailing and some wood furniture around my place. >: )

And she's not even done teething yet!

04-04-2008, 08:56 AM
Between 4 kids,a cat,a bird,and a puppy...i gave up on having nice things unless locked up. I feel your pain really I do.


Pips mom
04-04-2008, 11:16 AM
Ohh, Pip chews everything he can get his little beak on! Our poor TV remotes, they seem to be a favorite! We keep them upside down now so he can't chew off the buttons, but ya know we don't always remember! He has chewed chunks of wood out of a shelf I have hanging on the wall, and when he climbs the curtains, he leaves behind small little holes in them sometimes. Oh, and then there's the wires! All wires have to be covered up with blankets! There is a little button on top of the computer mouse too that he loves to chew and is after as I type! I have to provide him with paper to chew while I'm on the computer and he chews it up and then flies and there's always all these little pieces of paper all over around the computer! I see these videos of other lovies climbing around on things in the house and not chewing them, and I say-----hey-----Pip would be chewing away at that stuff! He destroyed this one toy I bought in about a week! Of course it was a chew toy, and pieces of it were all over!
Mostly I worry about Pip chewing on things he shouldn't----so far most of the damage done has been minor or fixable, but one time he got ahold of a pen and chewed the point right off of it and got ink on his beak, and I was worried sick! so now no pens allowed on the computer desk---just one that is all silver, not chewable and "Pip proof"

04-04-2008, 11:29 AM
Ya know, I guess I have been blessed up till now because Luna doesn't really chew anything that she isn't supposed to. Of course she was not able to fly until a week ago or so... so who knows what is in store for me. :D

04-04-2008, 11:56 AM
I love to hear about parrots ripping things all to pieces :D!!! As long as its safe of course............:rolleyes:

04-04-2008, 01:35 PM
When my animals (birds or dogs) chew up something of mine (my new couch, 8 hours old), I blame myself for leaving it out where it can be ruined. Keep the dogs in a cage if you want to keep your things non-chewed (they have pretty much out grown that), don't put yummy food in the gettable garbage...and NEVER leave a lovie out near remotes, books (any paper really), or anything they can get their little destroyers (beaks) onto!!

That's my motto....if they ruin it, it is somehow my fault! They still get the evil eye and a stern talking to....:whistle: :rofl:

lucky melatonin
04-04-2008, 04:12 PM
yeah, i do somewhat blame myself, but there were literally alone with it for 2 mintues!!! i couldn't believe it. and yes, i do have "puncture" holes in my couch and curtains too. ahh, if only they'd chew any of those 3 shredding toys in their cage...

04-04-2008, 04:56 PM
About two months ago my husband spent a bunch of money on new glasses. Mijo, my grey, got a hold of them and ripped them to pieces in minutes. My husband was livid. Luckily, he gets one replacement pair and was able to get new ones. I just remember laughing at him, reminding him that bird ownership is all about destruction and it was his fault he didn't watch his glasses:whistle: .

Our birds have cause so much damage I've become numb to it. The lovebirds are the worse and the room they live in is pretty destroyed. We are going to have to do some major work when we move:whistle: .

04-04-2008, 07:39 PM
Yes they can be pretty destructive.
I had to replace the trim around one of our windows because I set one of the flight cages too close to it and the juvenile lovies made mincemeat out of it in two days before I discovered my error.
Magazines are another favorite and it's usually the ones I'm wanting to save.

04-04-2008, 11:07 PM
that exactly why I converted my spare room into a 'birdy room' and let them run wild in there, I make sure nothing of value is in there so they can destroy to their hearts content and I don't need to worry.

04-05-2008, 07:27 AM
Yep, same here. Between two new remote controle for the tv, dvd and audio system remotes, two new cordless phones (they can't chew the cord because there is none) the carpet, the loveseat wich is loosing it's filling, the new carpet that's going to need to be replaced by newer carpet, window frames, the shower curtain, and the shower lining curtain (which Pheobe thinks it's great for her nest) the destruction keeps on going.

Welcome to the world of parrot! :lol

04-05-2008, 09:32 AM
LOL Laura....my glasses have beak marks on them! My lovies think glasses are WONDERFUL perches and like to bite around the lenses....I am not even bothering buying new ones, I have 2 pairs with beak marks...I think it makes them unique!:happy: ;)

04-05-2008, 01:19 PM
Our birds have cause so much damage I've become numb to it. The lovebirds are the worse and the room they live in is pretty destroyed. We are going to have to do some major work when we move:whistle: .

:rofl: That is why we can't sell our house yet! Our bird room (well, Lovebird room) is so destroyed, we have to replace walls, the window frame, clean the carpet with a rented machine, and patch all the holes in the ceiling from hanging all the stands ;) Silly birds, but yes, it comes with the territory!

04-05-2008, 02:19 PM
Kiwi is very destructive too he has pulled off a lot of wood from the coffee table, he tore tones of leather from the chair he pulled wood off the window panels, he picks at the buttons on the remotes, and hes wrecked at least 15 books, and 5 of my shirts so when im holding him I make sure I'm not wearing a nice shirt!!! He also bullies my dog which isnt too nice:eek: