View Full Version : Should I switch to seed? And an update

04-06-2008, 07:41 AM
Hello, how is every one and their lovie? I am doing great, so is Lea. Lea is about a year now and I am wondering if I should switch him to seed from pellets? Also Lea has his wings back and loves to fly but he is very polite about it. He will never fly from the cage to my shoulder. He likes to land near me and stick his neck up as if he is asking if he can sit on my shoulder. After I allow him to once he is out of his cage and he has no further space issues. Lea and I are joined at the hip but he respects when I need space and I try to do it for him too. When I first got him he wanted nothing to do with me at all. Now though, he is all about being around and gets all exited when I see him. I went away for a week and my family took care of him and played with him and he apparently loved it but the moment I opened the door he acted as if no one else was there and didn't want to get off my shoulder. I just want to say if your lovie is shy when you first get him don't worry, they come around. At first Lea would not even come out of his cage and now he loves to play. Some times he gets an attitude but he gets over it and its awesome. Thanks for all the help and advice thus far it has been great.

04-06-2008, 07:48 AM
Hello Andrew,

Nice to hear everything is going well and Lea is such a sweetheart. It's amazing how they can make their way to our hearts!

As far as the seeds goes, A bird is a natural seed eater so I have a feeling it would not be hard to convert Lea to seeds. I would not offer more than 40% pellets as part of the diet anyways.