View Full Version : More Escapees

04-13-2008, 05:29 AM
I don't believe this. A short while ago I posted about a solitary baby lovebird who repeatedly lets himself out of his cage to go and see the other birds. His door has to be secured now when I'm not around in case he gets into trouoble. Just now, I notice the adopted pair of lovies are flying free and have done just the same thing. Surely this can't be coincidence - are they that bright to see what he's done and work it out for themselves?

Cindy N.
04-13-2008, 09:57 AM
Possibly. But, I would tend to believe that they are learning it from you when you are opening the door. Unless, they are all in the same cage?

04-13-2008, 02:08 PM
Hi Cindy, perhaps that's the answer but it seemed strange they did it within a day or so of the youngster starting. No, my front room has one large aviary and (wait for it) three cages ... If you're right, I can only hope the aviary occupants and the remaining pair don't cotton on or I will be in trouble!

Cindy N.
04-13-2008, 02:54 PM
They do learn from each other as well, so they could of learned by watching the baby.

I don't think you'll have a problem in your aviary. Most of the times they escape for a reason. The baby and the other birds probably wanted to join the birds in the aviary.

My babies escaped to come see me, when I'm in the same room as them, but they didn't come out when I'm not in the room. Also, one of my masked females always wanted to come out of her cage because she likes to hide between the cages when she's broody, once she has a nestbox up she stays in her cage.

The best thing is to make sure that once they learn how to come out or you find them lifting the sliding door is to either put a weight on a sliding door or use clips. And if they figure out how to undue the clips you'll have to use a lock.
