View Full Version : Sleeping habits?

04-14-2008, 01:02 AM
I just got my first lovie a week ago, so i'm not sure how other lovies sleep at night. Mine hangs from the side of his cage with his beak hooked over one of the bars. My parrotlet perches on a swing. So I would think that's what the lovebird would do. Doesn't seem like that would be very comfortable to me, but is this something that yours do?

04-14-2008, 01:40 AM
Each bird is different with respect to sleeping habits. Some lovebirds like to sleep hanging from the side of their cage but I've found that if you put a perch near their favorite spot, they will usually use the perch once it's become available. I would look for the kind of perch that you can attach to the side of the cage by securing it with a wing nut on the outside of the cage. Those can be placed at any level anywhere inside the cage.

04-14-2008, 09:03 AM
My lovie Piper use to cling to the side of the cage at night when I first got him. After he settled down, he started sleeping on top of a cozy I put in his cage and has ever since. Just took a while for him to feel comfortable. I agree with Linda, everybirdie is different just like humans are different :)

Pips mom
04-14-2008, 10:03 AM
I think lovebirds are the strangest sleepers! When I first got Pip, he used to put one foot on the side of the cage and the other foot on a toy that was in there and sleep like that! Then I got him another cage and he stopped. Pip generally does not like his cage, and prefers to sleep out of the cage as well. I have one of those little sundeck things hooked onto the side of his cage on the outside and it has a T-perch on it and a ladder going down from the top of cage, and when he is ready to turn in for the night he sits over there and waits for me to come and cover it up----I cover it up with a blanket, from the top of his cage, I just drape the blanket over and he has a ton of room in there, but this is where he loves to sleep, and will not come out until morning. When he wakes up, he will do the funniest thing-----most days he sleeps in pretty good until we wake up, but some mornings he wakes up earlier and if that is the case, he will come out, and go over the tiel's cage and go underneath their blanket covering and over to his play area on the side of their cage and just sleep there under the blanket until we get up! I can count on him to always go there, and never have to worry about him if we are still sleeping because he will only go there until the cages are uncovered! funny bird!
I know----I really have to start teaching him that he has to sleep in his cage!

04-14-2008, 12:09 PM
My lovebird Dracula got his name because when I got him and put him in his new cage for a long time he slept hanging like a bat pretty much. He has since changed to sleeping at night on a perch. But sometimes he naps hanging like a bat still.


04-14-2008, 08:26 PM
my first lovie sleeps at night on top of his happy hut in between the straps and during the day takes naps inside it. My second newer lovie sleeps on her swing.

04-14-2008, 09:06 PM
Goof sleeps most the time perched up next to his bird buddy. There's been a couple times he fell off his perch at night but ever since leaving his cage partially uncovered that no longer seems to happen. Every now and then about twice a week or so he'll sleep in his cozy with his duppa hanging out. Almost every day around noon he likes to take a 10-15 minute nap cupped in the palm of my hand or tucked in behind my left ear after sharing his lunch with me. His average sleep is a steady 10-11 hour pattern from about 8PM to 7AM.............:)

04-15-2008, 02:30 PM
Eddie sleeps every night in his happy hut. I had two sizes and would rotate them, but I recently put a small and a medium sized one in there together to see which he prefered. He liked the bigger one, which does not touch his back or his wings. I bought his huts on ebay and he looks very cozy in there.
Send me a PM if you'd like the seller link.

04-18-2008, 03:34 PM
Well, Edith gets first choice in my cage.:rofl: She likes to sleep on one foot in the big fluffy wreath while Archie clings to the side of the cage jut trying to get close to her.

04-18-2008, 03:39 PM
Both of my boys sleep side-by-side ON TOP of thier Happy Hut. :rolleyes:

At least, that's how they are when they go to bed....in the morning, they can both be inside it together, one can be on top and the other inside...I always seem to find them in different positions.

I would really love to set up a "birdie cam" so I could watch what they do at night. :rofl:

04-19-2008, 05:16 AM
Fenway sleeps in his happy hut. Usually, if he wakes up before me, I'll find him on top of his happy hut (or if he's telling me he wants to go to bed, LOL).