View Full Version : Pecking?

07-22-2005, 11:08 AM
Mercuri just turned 6 months...she just recently started pecking her beak on things...her perches, the side of the cage, my arm, the floor, tables... does this mean anything?? it's odd... :confused:

07-22-2005, 11:48 AM
Do you mean Mercuri is pecking like she's pecking seed off the floor or do you mean she's testing things with her beak? Lovies use their beaks to explore the world around them and this is normal. I've had the range of experiences in lovies not biting, nibling, pecking, etc. much at all and those who do is incessently so it is pretty normal especially at such a young age.

07-22-2005, 12:11 PM
there's nothing where she is pecking... she'll be sitting on my arm or on a perch and just start peck peck pecking... she's my first lovie though, so everything is weird, hahaha

07-22-2005, 01:54 PM
Is she naking little nibbles? If so, she may be preening you. Or she might be testing the surface. My Peepo will peck at my hand when I offer it to her to see if it's stable to step onto. Lovies will "beak" things for may reasons. Since they don't have hands, that is one way they explore things around them.

07-25-2005, 12:58 PM
If your birds is BITEING then you can get out of this problem. What you do is everytime to bites you, you have to say NO, or NO BITE. Do not yell, because she will yell back and may bite even harder. When you say this, move her/him over a bit. In about a week or two he/she will then stop biteing you. Hope this helps.

07-25-2005, 08:31 PM
My little birdie Lily is about 6 months too and recently she's been pecking...So I'm guessing she's just "exploring" her surrounding as well!

Like my hands, my arms, perches, window sills, windows, etc.

It's more like you describe it...nothing there...just basically testing the surface and "beaking" out of curiousity of her surrounding.

It's kind of cute! Unlike my other hen who does it for her own hellish/hennish reasons and often shedding blood in the process, Little Lily does it as more of a learning process. Like if I'm holding a treat for her and not looking at her, I'll get a little gentle "nibble" or if I offer her my arm to hop on to get back in her cage, she'll "test" my arm out first by just gently putting her beak on it...She also hops around various surfaces, and like you said..."Peck peck."

It's so ADORABLE!!!!

I say enjoy it while you can! Hopefully little Lily doesn't turn out to be like my PP who uses her beak more as a form of COMMANDING me to do things! lol