View Full Version : Taming our wee pals

Dede' Arneaux
04-15-2008, 06:29 PM
We've had our Birdys just over a year and are really keen to interact more with them.
So, following the useful advice of many on this forum we intend getting our Birdys' wings clipped and then introducing them to the open door of the cage, probably in the safe environment of the bathroom, for short periods at first.

They are still pretty timid and retreat to the side of the cage when we change their food and water daily, but have become more familiar and comfortable with us when we chat to them and share 'big blinks' at close quarters. they even seem to eat together when we do

We'd be very grateful for any further tips which may lead us safely and successfully towards being able to handle them in the future. Our biggest fear just now is that we are unable to get them back in the cage once they leave - but I guess they will probably return at feeding time.

Best regards

04-16-2008, 12:28 PM

It sounds like you are on the right track, the one thing I would suggest though is to use a dowel/extra perch to get them to learn to step up. Hands can be an issue with most birds until they learn to trust you, but learning to step up will help immensely in getting them back into the cage.

The three things to taming/bonding, are time, love, and lots of patience. Just keep giving them all of those, and you will have a relationship eventually:) Oh, and a little millet spray treat from time to time will really help make you the "Good Guy";)