View Full Version : Silly Question #1 - sleeping on the cage floor

04-16-2008, 08:23 PM
Well, here is my first silly question.. :)

The new lovebird I have "inherited" seems to sleep on the cage bottom under her food dish. Is this normal? I thought birds only sat on the bottom of their cage if they were seriously sick? I am trying not to worry about it, but I am worrying about it.

Miss Daisy heads down there about the time I darken the room for her to go to sleep, and then in the morning she is there till I let light into the room?

I have had her less than a week so I have no way to know what is normal for her and what is now.

Does she need something to sleep in or on?

Thanks for any help..

04-16-2008, 08:45 PM
Don't worry, we've all asked "silly" questions before... better to ask and learn, than not to ask! :)

It seems from your post that Daisy only goes down there to sleep? or is she staying there the whole time?

If she is only going down there to get comfy for the night, I might not worry about it, as you'll see many of the birds on this board have some ...interesting... sleeping habits:lol

If, however, she is exhibiting warning signs like "fluffing", or staying down on the bottom of the cage, lethargy... those are things to worry about, and you should try and get her seen by a vet as soon as possible.

Many birds eventually find a favourite spot or perch to snooze on. Little tents are a bit hit with my two. Daisy may just be looking for a hidey spot to go to sleep in. :)

04-17-2008, 08:15 AM
Okay thank you, I feel better.

She doesn't stay at the bottom of the cage the whole time. Only to sleep. She just goes there at night and as soon as she wakes she goes back up to her perches. She isn't fluffing and she is very active during the day, just not at night.

Maybe she is looking for a hidey spot.. She has a nesting box and it is on the bottom of the cage. It is all torn up, I guess she and the other bird were eating it. It only has four sides now, so it is pretty exposed, but I left it so she had "her things". I just removed all the exposed nails and things that looked unsafe. I was told she absolutely loved it, but I haven't seen her go near it.

Maybe she needs a new one. I will go out and see what kind of hidey spot I can find for her at the pet store. I just hope she will use it, so far anything I put in the cage she won't even look at.

Thanks again.

Buy A Paper Doll
04-17-2008, 09:06 PM
Well, my sister's parakeet sleeps on the bottom of the cage, and I want to say that Jackie once mentioned her lovebird Molly sleeping on a "blankie" on the bottom of the cage.

I agree with Rachel that perhaps she needs a place to hide at night. Unless you are sure you have a male then only provide this at night, so as to not encourage egg laying.

04-22-2008, 09:23 PM
Don't worry, my charlie has always slept on the bottom of his cage- and usually under the water dish!
The only time this changes is if we give him some paper, then he will busily twist and turn it so that it folds over itself- covering the grill and creating a nice hidey-hole for him to sleep in.
It's very cute to see him retire into the paper, and make little cheeps when he hears me going to bed