View Full Version : Making Progress

04-18-2008, 08:21 PM
I know I said I was going to post pics. But I haven't been able to get the little girl to stay still long enough to take pictures. LOL I still have to pretty much chase her down to get her out of her cage. But she has calmed down sooooooo much. Even her biting has stopped. Although she has nipped a little. But I don't think she is actually trying to bite, cause she could draw blood and doesn't. In fact it doesn't even hurt. So I feel like that is a good sign that she is getting more comfy with us. In fact my son held her this evening and he had her cuddled up against his chest and she was just as content as could be.

I really feel sorry for her though being in the other room away from the other birds. They all screech back and forth all day. She's only been here a week...so I know I can't put her in there yet. Although I think she is OK. I would not dare, until I get her check out by the vet this coming week.

Im still in the market for another lovebird. I'm having a hard time finding a breeder in dallas. I even checked the birdtalk magazine and no luck in my area. I have one email that has not been answered yet though!! And I don't really want to ship one. But if I had to I guess I would.

Just wanted to give an update......check back later,,,,Toni