View Full Version : Am I creating the right enviroment

04-19-2008, 12:46 AM
Hi there, I have 2 beautiful lovebirds (Flora - Blue Masked lovebird and Casper -who is a very close to albino blue Masked Lovebird) They are our pride and joy, living away in a 8 Foot high and 4 Foot wide avairy. We bought them in January they get on very well. we placed 2 nesting boxes in the avairy. They recieve lots of new nesting material often and have made a great nest in the top nesting box. but as of yet no mating. they are of age and i am sure that flora is getting a bit edgey about it trying to encourage casper into mating. This morning we took the 2nd nesting box out in case they were getting confused. is there anything else we can do to promote breeding?

04-19-2008, 12:50 AM
Welcome to our community and congratulations on your 2 new lovebirds!

How old are these 2 and are you sure you have a male/female pair? How long have they had access to the nest box? From my own observations, females will attempt to build a nest in any box they are given. If both are males, they will use the box for sleeping, but little of anything else!

04-19-2008, 01:03 AM
Thanks, I cant be certain on age, we bought them from a pet store and they examined them to make sure that flora was female and casper was male. Flora was the nest builder while casper looked on or slept. Flora is also the most talkative. I know that casper is a few weeks younger then flora as he is alot smaller then her. they are at the bottom of the avairy since i took the 2nd nesting box out looking for new nesting material i am sure.

Is there a set age that they will mate from?
Maybe they are too young?

04-19-2008, 01:56 AM
Lovebirds need to be at least 12 months old before they are allowed to breed. They actually will make even better parents if they are close to 18 months. That's not to say they are not capable of breeding earlier because they are. Their bodies just aren't ready for parenthood when they are under 1 year.

When I was breeding Masked Lovebirds, I used clean palm fronds for nesting material. If palm fronds are not available, clean willow twigs/small branches are the next best choice. Masks tend to build large, elaborate nests and I had one pair that would use up to a dozen palm fronds for each creation!

04-19-2008, 02:49 AM
Thanks for the reply. I was talking to my husband and we both were wondering if they were too young. We dont mind waiting a year till they breed as they are such joy to hear first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

04-19-2008, 09:08 PM
I just wanted to say that it is a very good decision for you to wait to promote breeding of your masked. since you really don't know the actual age of the birds, it is best to say they will be a year old exactly one year from the date you brought them home. That way you know for certain that they are plenty old enough.
Just as Linda said earlier, if you allow the hens to breed too early it could really hurt the bird even kill it if complications arise. It is always better to wait than to jumo the gun and lose your new baby.
Best of luck to you and your new fids.

04-21-2008, 08:01 AM
I would also keep in mind 1) you don't know if you have a male/femal and 2) in the masked lovebirds species the males actually build nests as well. In fact, I had two male masked lovebirds at one time and they built some pretty elaborate nests. So nest building is no indication of sex.

Cindy N.
04-22-2008, 12:10 AM
I would also keep in mind 1) you don't know if you have a male/femal and 2) in the masked lovebirds species the males actually build nests as well. In fact, I had two male masked lovebirds at one time and they built some pretty elaborate nests. So nest building is no indication of sex.

I know that masks are very good at mimicking the other sex, but, for my proven pairs, the males try to help, but generally just get in the females way. Which, I have also found with Chit and Chat, my PF lovies. She sticks the willow and paper in her rump and he just steals it from her. :) Then she complains and whines loudly at him. :lol
