View Full Version : Any experience with a new dog into the family?

04-22-2008, 08:41 AM
Hey gang,

If this house I am trying to buy (still keep thinking good thoughts, I should know by Friday if the other buyer falls through) works out, I have always wanted a dog, and would like to get one.

Anyone have any experience in either a breed (if any) that are not interested in birds, age the dog should be to train them not to each my yellow friend or any suggestions how/if I can do this?


04-22-2008, 08:50 AM
Hi Laura,
I've had a number of dogs in my life and I've got to say that all of them have at least noticed my birds. The way I see it, dogs are predators and it's instinct with them. It's not something you can train out of their behavior.

I have 2 Pembroke Corgis that live with me right now and I will admit that they ignore my birds as long as the birds are on/in their cages. Let the birds take flight, Corgi herding instinct kicks in and the chase is on. My foster Corgi is 13 yrs. old so she tends to watch the action more than she chooses to participate.

Do I trust them around my birds when I'm not there???? Not on your life! When I'm home, I know where everyone is. When I'm not home or outside, all birds are in their cages.

04-22-2008, 09:42 AM

My previous dog was 15 years old when I got Fenway. She really just ignored him.

Now, however, with my 5 1/2 month old puppy, ALL bets are off. Gracie definately wants to get to both of my boys when they are out...to play? I doubt it. :roll:

My current issue is that all of a sudden Fenway is completely fascinated with my puppy...

He is always watching her, tries to perch low down to be closer to her, and sometimes even TAUNTS her with his dramatically low fly-bys. :x The other day, I was cleaning the cage and turned around from the sink to find BOTH Fenway and Wrigley sitting on the futon about 3 feet away from Gracie...:omg: Nothing happened but I immediately made the two of them seek higher ground.

Plenty of bird owners have dogs, but you must ALWAYS be aware of what is going on and try your best to keep them separate. Unfortunately there are people here that have lost thier feathered loved ones to their canine companions.

I am always on "red alert" when my birds are out of their cage. I just can't trust Gracie (and now Fenway:rolleyes: ) to behave.

04-22-2008, 10:22 AM
We have a puppy also. We got her a few months ago. I am very overprotective so I do not allow Drac out to fly is Marie is in the room with him. To many things can happen fast for me to be comfortable with it. SO If you get a dog I would say not to allow them to interact at all unless the bird is caged.


04-22-2008, 04:59 PM

My previous dog was 15 years old when I got Fenway. She really just ignored him.

Now, however, with my 5 1/2 month old puppy, ALL bets are off.

He is always watching her, tries to perch low down to be closer to her, and sometimes even TAUNTS her with his dramatically low fly-bys. :x .

Carrie, WOW, we are living the same life right now. I got a new baby (a Pom who will be three in June and weighs 3 lb. 4 oz.) and she had never laid eyes on a bird till last Monday night. When they zoomed into the kitchen I thought her little neck was going to spin completely around and fall off her shoulders! She is sweet and playful and would probably like to play with the birds. Needless to say, that won't work. Fortunately she and Oliver do well when I'm on the computer and he's on my shoulder and she's either on my lap or on the floor but SHY really taunts her!

Shy is my only jealous bird, jealous of anyone or anything that has to do with me and I am sure he is jealous of this dog. He is also my only bird that every goes to the floor so they can't be together for a second. He's fully flighted and fast as lightening but still, I can't take that chance.

The dog I lost in Feb., my beloved Sheltie, Chelsea, was like the dog you lost. Already old when I got Oliver and the other two and she paid absolutely no attention to them. Her dog doors went outside through their bird room and I never ever worried about that. I'm not using the dog doors with this new baby cause she doesn't even know how to use steps yet and couldn't make it off the back porch to the ground PLUS she is small enough for a Red Tail Hawk or coyote to pick off in a heart beat.

I wondered if my birds noticed that Chelsea was gone but I can assure you they certainly did notice when Sweet Pea entered the room! Oliver hung upside down on one of his perches to get a better look at her on the floor! :lol

BirdTalk Magazine did an article on dog breeds that seem to do better with birds than others and Shelties were on that list but they made it clear that there is no way to be sure that any breed would not kill a bird.

I honestly thought my birds would fill the hole in my heart when I lost my dog but I am a person that can't be w/o a dog in my life. I love my birds and take good care of them but a dog is even better, IMHO, than a kid! :D
And my human kids know that! ;)

04-22-2008, 06:34 PM
Congrats on the new canine companion, Janie.:clap I feel the exact same way about having a dog in my life, and will probably have one with me until I am physically/mentally unable to do so.:rolleyes:

Oliver hung upside down on one of his perches to get a better look at her on the floor! :lol

That describes Fenway to a T! :rofl:

I never expected a bird to be so fascinated with the antics of a puppy!

I really don't know if it's jealousy Fenway is exhibiting, or if it's just his personality that makes him so outgoing and curious towards her. maybe a combination of both!!??? :confused: He definitely does come over and land on me more often while out of their cage now that Gracie has entered the picture....BUT he has always been somewhat of a "brat", if you know what I mean..:nyah:
The taunting of her is definitely a perfect example of his temperament. Plus, the more he gets her attention the more he does it!!!

It sounds like we both have our hands full!!! :D

04-23-2008, 03:58 AM
I would keep them separate.

I have a pug. He was not greatly interested in the birds but they were always caged around him.

A toy breed or other breed which has not been bred for a chase instinct would be your best bet, but they are still dogs, and will still chase.

04-23-2008, 08:14 AM
We have had Kiwi, my lovie, for over 3 years now, and my dog, Jackpot, a labernese (mix of Bernese mountain and lab) for just about 2. We worked really hard at establishing with Jackpot when he was young ( 7 weeks when we got him) that Kiwi was the boss, and not to touch him.

We would put Jackpot on a short leash in the house, place Kiwi on the table or our shoulders, and the minute jackpot showed the slightest interest, we would gently tug on the leash and say "No!! Leave Kiwi alone!!" We did this often in the beginning, three times a day for 10 minute exercises.

Jackpot will now bow his head if Kiwi is around, as if submitting to him, and shows no interest in him at all anymore.

Having said that, I would still NEVER EVER leave them alone in a room together, for while I strongly believe Jackpot would never hurt him, I am not 100% sure. kiwi is out whenever someone is home, so while they are out together in the house, they are closely supervised at all times. It sounds like a lot of work, but it is just common place now to keep an eye on them. And it is well worth the effort, as our house and hearts seems to be more complete when surrounded by all our animal companions. :) :)

And to Janie - Congratulations on the new addition!! :happy:

04-23-2008, 12:27 PM
Congratulations on the new baby!!! :D I know how much Chelsea means to you and how much you must miss her. **

Milo (2 yr old poodle) is kind of like Janie's new Pom he would love to play with Luna (this is so not going to happen!). Tigger (2 yr old Yorkie) on the other hand hadn't ever laid eyes on a bird before he came to live with us and he is terrified of Luna. Luna, however would love to be Tigger's friend and even tries to preen him... of course I don't let that happen either. It is very difficult trying to keep them all away from each other, mostly because Luna is flying now, so I have decided that separate out times is my only choice. :( Such is life. Good thoughts are coming your way for the house! Let us know what happens, and what you decide on the dog.

04-29-2008, 11:46 AM
The deal on the other house went through for the other buyer, so I lost that one. I am now waiting to hear back after a counteroffer on another one. So... we will see. I have a dog I want to rescue already, but am thinking that if I get another species of bird for Eddie to play with, he will not need to be by my side every moment and that may work better if I have many pets to share my time with. We'll see. I shall keep you all posted.

Buy A Paper Doll
04-29-2008, 08:19 PM
Sorry to hear that someone else got the house first.

My mom's dog came to live with us about a year and a half ago. My birds were here first. I was very concerned because the dog had been known to kill chickens.

Maggie is a very sensitive dog, just a sharp "no!" is all it takes to keep her in line. The few times she's shown any interest in the birds, at all, I freaked out. Now she stays away from them. But while she clearly seems to understand that she is not to touch the birds, if the birds are out of their cages, I'm watching very closely.