View Full Version : Sneaky Naughty birdy

04-24-2008, 03:09 AM
Ok my lovies fight occasionally but Mardi seems to be able to flee before being hurt...BUT tonight I witnessed Keiko's cunningness....he would preen Mardi then let Mardi preen him on the head and then lower is head so she would preen his neck and as soon as he was as low as her foot..BITE...UNTIL I said NO three times and he backs off.:( I hope Keiko stops the biting soon.

04-24-2008, 01:37 PM
These situations are hard to reply too over the internet. If I saw this behavior in person I'd be able to tell you more about it. It could be Keiko was trying to hurt Mardi, but if he was getting preened I'm unsure. I've had lovies bite feet in this situation and it wasn't being aggressive. However, I wouldn't want to make that assumption. Did Keiko actually bite Mardi's foot or was he just sort of opening his beak as you told him no, or did he straight try and attack Mardi?

04-24-2008, 05:23 PM
No Keiko bit Mardis foot as Mardi let out a little squeal and tried to get away so I said NO and Keiko stopped.