View Full Version : happy as a kid in a candy store!!

04-26-2008, 06:19 PM
:happy: I first introduced myself about a week and a half ago with a new addition lovie I named Cricket. Well....Cricket now has a new friend. Of course in quarantine from her and my other 2 birds. He is ABSOLUTELY a beauty and I could not resist. And soooooooo sweet compared to Cricket. Course I have been working with her EVERYDAY and she has gotten alot better. No more biting THANK GOODNESS!!! Still really scared of hands though. But he is a beautiful deep dark greenish almost black smokey looking lovebird with light purple on his chest and dark purple on his tail. And he has a white face and very dark peach just on his forehead. I just could not resist!!! He still has a little black on his beak so he is still fairly young.

I went to the bird fair in Richardson Texas today. I know it's not a good idea to buy from a bird fair from what I've heard. Just incase of diseases and stuff. But he is seperate from the others, and I make sure to sanitize my hands really good when touching him. I think I have decided on naming him Smokey.

:whistle: PLEASE forgive me for NOT posting pics like I had promised I would. I have a few on my cell that I finally got of Cricket. And I got quite a few of the new baby AKA Smokey. I just got to figure out how to get them from my phone to the computer. I have the chip and all and the USB thingy. But I have NEVER done it. Only downloaded ringtones and songs. I will have to figure it out. It can't be that hard. 8o

ANYWAY....I have been reading ALL I can from here and I bought sooooo many books on lovebirds since getting Cricket. I'm still confused on the different variations and stuff. I even bought a book specifically on that to study up on it. But I understand all about the different species. I am sooooo surprised how these little beauties are as far as their personalities. I swear Cricket has NO FEAR at all. And she plays in her cage and it is soooooo funny to watch her. Its sooo cute. But LORD HOW MERCY!!!! She packs a LOUD squawk when she gets to chatting with the others in the next room. I know I am in for one heck of a next few weeks with this new one here as well. But hopefully after everyone can see each other things will chill out a little. Course it doesn't bother me like I am letting on. LOL I love it. And I don't have to worry about my neighbors.

Well I had to brag a little:wink: !!! I am gonna try and figure out now how to post these pics. My computer has been acting up the past few days and I think i about got the bugs worked out. So I am gonna see if I can get those MUCH promised pics up on here.:D