View Full Version : first time with birds

04-30-2008, 10:34 AM
hello my friends
this is my first post on this forum.

I have bought 5 days ago a pair of 6-8 months old Lovely Peachfaced Lovebirds.
As it is obvious they are both very aggressive when someone approaches their cage. After I go near their cage for some 10 minutes they calm down a bit but they look afraid. I read somewhere that it is needed to show them my hand and at first to put it in their cage in order to become comfortable with it. I didn't touch them so far. every next day I have to go again through the same process because they seem to forget me and they are afraid.
So, please advise me what to do in order to be able to touch them, let them stand on my finger, caress them, get them out of the cage etc. at this point I don't want them to do any tricks. Just to stay calm and don't afraid of me.

Thanks for any help :blush:

04-30-2008, 12:21 PM
Hi and welcome to our community! We are glad to have you here! :)

Since you've only had your Lovebirds a few days, it is going to take some time for them to understand that you will not hurt them. You know that they are safe with you, but they have to learn by experience. Keep going over to their cage and sit with them for a while. Talk softly to them and just let them see you there. They are Lovebirds and that means they will be curious. When they feel comfortable, they will come to the side of their cage to see you a little bit better. Try offering them treats from your fingers so that they see your hands are friendly and give them things they like. Milllet is a good treat, as most birds really like it. It's like candy to them!

Once they will come to the side of the cage, you can try putting your hand inside the door of the cage. They will probably back away at first but just be patient. They have to be comfortable with you. Again, offer treats.

Continue to work with them in this manner and it should not take too long to tame them.

04-30-2008, 05:19 PM
Thank you for the information Linda :)

05-02-2008, 12:04 PM
hello again.
today I bought millet spray but unfortunately my 2 lovebirds and my 2 parrots do not eat it. they are afraid of it and they scream when they see it.
I cut some pieces and put them with their seeds and they don't go to eat anymore.
they just eat some seeds at the cage's floor.
I also put a millet on top of the cage and they don't climb up the cage until I remove it.

Any ideas on how to make them eat the millet? :whistle:

Thanks ;)

05-02-2008, 01:13 PM
The reason they are afraid of it and won't eat it is because they don't know what it is. :) I didn't think about that when I suggested millet. I would clip it on one side of the cage, not too close to where they perch, so they can get used to it and realize that it's not evil!! Once they find out that they can eat it without it eating them, they will eat it like it's candy!

05-02-2008, 01:44 PM
I spread the floor with millet seeds and now they seem to like it.
next time I will cut them like small balls of seeds and give it to them. each time bigger pieces, till I put all of the millet in the cage.