View Full Version : Heating?

04-30-2008, 05:17 PM
it is winter here in Australia and even tho my apartment has heating in the loungeroom...the bedrooms don't and the birdy room is freezing in the mornings,I got a small heater for the birdies and put it up high on the bookshelf where they cant reach it..is this a good idea to keep them warm or do their feathers keep them warm enough.Even tho its freezing Keiko still dove into the running water then I was cleaning poop off their ladders this morning...I kept the heater on so he will dry before he catches a cold...:cold

05-01-2008, 01:53 AM
Thats a good question - I always worry about my kids being cold, especially after I separate the parents from the kids. Is there one kind of heater that is better, like maybe a little fan forced one as opposed to a radiator if they're caged?

05-01-2008, 09:33 AM
I have a thermo perch. They are about $35 online. That way if they are cold, they can perch on that. I always feel bad when my little guy has chilly feetsies!