05-04-2008, 03:41 PM
I have a older lovie that I got from someone who is very timed and I recently bought a young one from the pet store who is about 1 year old now. I keep them in separate cages but every now and then I let them out and they seem to get along just fine, the older one feeds and grooms the young one. Is it bad to let them out every now and then and then separate them, they are always next to each other in there cages.:confused:

05-05-2008, 05:43 PM
You should let them out for a slightly longer time, and then longer until you are sure that they will continue to get along. But, it does sound as if they are doing well, and are friends. Do you know whether they are male or female? They are both old enough to breed, so you should check this out, because they could begin to mate if M/F and to lay eggs. I don't know if you want to deal with that, probably not, so you need to watch out for this issue. If you haven't had them sexed, you can send feather samples to AvianBiotech. They will do the DNA.

If you don't do that, then you can watch them when they are together and see how they act. The female will be larger, a bit heavier (generally), will sit lower on the perch, and have a rounder body. Her tail will be broader and more flared, while the male will have a wedge-shaped tail that looks like it's more pointed. (This is when they are not excited). The male will be more friendly, and if you feel the abdomen, it will feel solid (the bones will be very close together), whereas the female will have a gap about the size of your small finger for the egg to pass. This is the best way to tell who's who.

Hope you can tell, so that you can figure out if they are interested in mating. Good luck!

05-15-2008, 07:17 PM
thank u :>