View Full Version : Fighting?

05-07-2008, 05:43 PM
My lovies seemed to be fine at first, but recently, well it started today that they seem to fight, and instead of going to the other side of the cage they continue to bite each other and making really high pitched screaming.
should i put them in different cages?

Cindy N.
05-07-2008, 08:01 PM
Hello Krissie,

That may be the best decision for now. Did you have them DNA sexed? Sometimes females will form a bond, but, most of the times they will fight, where if it's a pair of male/female the male will give way to the female.



05-07-2008, 10:09 PM
no i havent had the chance to get them dna tested, the lady i bought them from had them in the same cage, and was hand feeding them together, i just thought it was weird with being together in the same cage at her place than act this way after 2 weeks of being with me. but after they fight they go back to cuddling or playing. i dont know what to do

05-07-2008, 11:18 PM
I have found my lovies love each other when they are alone and when I walk into the room my older one attacks my younger one...like its a case of 'My human,stay away' and so my new one is confused and hates me.

05-07-2008, 11:21 PM
maybe that is my problem cause i did get jade 1 week earlier than mystic

05-08-2008, 03:05 AM
Even what seem to be minor squabbles can turn deadly when it comes to 2 lovebirds. The dominant one is perfectly capable of seriously injuring or killing the less dominant of the 2. Solution is to get a second cage and house them side by side when you are not around to supervise what's going on. They may decide that they really like each other and the fighting will stop but until then, you need to make sure that they are both safe.

I would DNA sex them just so you know what you have. While they may have been raised together and gotten along very well, they are growing up. When hormones come into play, two hens that had previously gotten along just fine can turn into enemies.

05-08-2008, 01:22 PM
its just weird, they are fine 95% of the time, except when one steps on the other or chirps the wrong way, right now they are napping next to each other and mystic is chirping in his/her sleep. I'll have to go dig out my other cage, if i can find it :) thanx for all your advice

Cindy N.
05-08-2008, 02:01 PM
Hello Krissie,

These are just babies as of yet? If so, it may be just the normal squabbling that happens between two lovies. Lovebirds do tend to have arguments between themselves. It's the intense fighting that you have to worry about, when they do not let up after awhile.

Also, how big is your cage? Roomy cages are better when you have more than one lovebird in a cage.


05-08-2008, 04:50 PM
yea they are still babies, hatched in jan i think. the cage is 3'h x 2'w x 4'L so i think its pretty roomy.