View Full Version : Happy Hut Love

05-08-2008, 05:05 PM
So the last couple of days I have walked in on Estrella sitting on the top corner of his happy hut and swinging/moving rather oddly. I'm new to this, but I get the distinct feeling that he is trying to mate on it.

First of all ewww :x , Secondly, what do I do about this behavior? The vet told me months ago that if he started doing this to any objects to take them away from him. Well when he does it outside of the cage, I immediately divert his attention...however, I just don't feel right taking away his happy hut. Its the place he sleeps and feels safe in...its like taking a security blanket away from a toddler. Any thoughts or ideas?

05-08-2008, 05:22 PM
my keiko humps with his happy hut everyday...and for about an hour each time...but I leave it in there as it where he sleeps too..I don't think it does any harm (and they know too as I changed his happy hut one day to clean it and put in the exact same colour,size,style happy hut and he wouldn't go near it...as soon as I put the old one back he was back humping it again).

05-08-2008, 05:45 PM
all this talk of "happy hut love" kind of makes me feel like its worth it to have a nesty ol' hen! :rofl:

Sorry. just had to put in my :2cents: :rotfl

05-08-2008, 06:38 PM
LOL i'd agree with you donna if it wasnt for my left hand being so chewed up from boo takeing offence to me changeing her water ow ow ow lol

05-08-2008, 06:57 PM
So the last couple of days I have walked in on Estrella sitting on the top corner of his happy hut and swinging/moving rather oddly. I'm new to this, but I get the distinct feeling that he is trying to mate on it.

First of all ewww :x , Secondly, what do I do about this behavior? The vet told me months ago that if he started doing this to any objects to take them away from him. Well when he does it outside of the cage, I immediately divert his attention...however, I just don't feel right taking away his happy hut. Its the place he sleeps and feels safe in...its like taking a security blanket away from a toddler. Any thoughts or ideas?

I think besides the security his happy hut offers if it were to serve a dual purpose in helping to keep him from using other objects maybe just let him ride it out. Its possible too that his behavior "may" become less frequent as he gets older, but then only time will tell. You know, I would feel a bit uneasy myself knowing that my lovie finds comfort in something and then going ahead and taking it away, especially knowing he finds that comfort in more ways than one. I also feel its necessary to at least partially fulfill whats only natural for a young adult lovebird provided it doesn't become too obsessive. Even though we know they can do this quite often diverting his attention like you have been may turn out to be a bit healthier than trying to eliminate it altogether. Just my :2cents: :2cents: :2cents:

all this talk of "happy hut love" kind of makes me feel like its worth it to have a nesty ol' hen! :rofl:

Sorry. just had to put in my :2cents: :rotfl

Somehow, I think us boys had it coming!..............:rotfl

05-08-2008, 07:43 PM
:lol Michael...
maybe just let him ride it out.
:rofl: :rotfl :rofl: :rotfl :rofl: :rofl: :rotfl

05-08-2008, 07:52 PM
By the way- my Jack (who used to be a boy) will hump things for an hour, too- and "he" laid 6 eggs!

05-08-2008, 09:27 PM
I guess it's no accident that they are called "HAPPY HUTS"..........:whistle: