View Full Version : anyone up for a chat tonight?

07-23-2005, 05:07 PM
does anyone feel like chatting tonight.....say around 9pm (eastern time)

hopefully will talk to you later.,
take care,

07-23-2005, 05:20 PM
i'm game.... as long as the baby cooperates ;) Will try and stop in!


07-23-2005, 05:32 PM
I can give it a shot, depending on what's going on here. EZboard is restoring community chests right now and the results have been interesting. Many boards have been wiped totally clean of everything after the restore attempt. Our site has not been touched, as least as I'm writing this.......

07-23-2005, 05:48 PM
I'll try to stop by... I'm here alone with my little buddy (my 12 year old son, Michael) tonight. Hanging out with him is fun, so we'll play it by ear. I was only around briefly last week, but it sure was a hoot!

07-23-2005, 05:50 PM
Hubby gone fishin. Son gone to frat party. I'm all alone, just me and the birds that is, so I'm game :D

What time????? Is that 8ish my time??? I'll be there.

07-23-2005, 06:26 PM
GREAT!! I cant wait,,im going to go and finish picking up so i wont be bothered by anyone while I chat tonight....I typed 3 reply posts to "She did it...twice I was interuped,,,and had to shut down,,,and once I managed to finish typeing it only to have my internet connection cut out on me just as I hit post reply....I gave up.....I will post it later....I will be surprised if this one accually goes through...

Hey has anyone heard from Eric....I hope everything is ok with him, and his family and his flock. Seems as though he hasn't been on/posting in a while....

MAYBE one of his lovies has laid a clutch and he's keeping it quiet.....

take care and chat with you tonight!

07-23-2005, 06:45 PM
I want to read a few more chapters of my Harry Potter (almost finished) and then I'll stop by. :D

07-23-2005, 07:00 PM
I have to wait for my son to finish reading it....so I can read it, then it goes to my 12 yr old daughter (who is still on book 4, but has seen all the movies that are out...and by the way OWNS all the movies that are out :rofl: ) To put with all the other harry potter books she has.
take care, and I hope you make it to the chat

07-23-2005, 07:18 PM
I want to read a few more chapters of my Harry Potter (almost finished) and then I'll stop by. :D

Good, when your done could you PLEASE post a spoiler thread and let me know who dies?

I dont read the books or anything, and I really dont see why the news is covering a book this way.

Then again I have no idea WHY I want to know who dies! :rofl:

I saw the first two movies. Entertaining but like I dont see the obsession.

But thats just me.

07-23-2005, 07:51 PM
Don't know if we are going to be able to access EZboard this evening. I've tried to go there several times within the last hour and the connection keeps timing out. I know they were working on firewalls earlier this afternoon and heaven only knows what they screwed up this time. They've been trying to restore the balances in Community Chests and entire boards have been disappearing. Ours is OK, so far, but I don't think they done anything to it yet. Our CC balance hasn't changed since May 31st.

07-23-2005, 08:09 PM
I am in the chat at ezboard now...waiting...so maybe others can get in there now too.....we could try anyway

07-23-2005, 08:13 PM
Good, when your done could you PLEASE post a spoiler thread and let me know who dies?

I dont read the books or anything, and I really dont see why the news is covering a book this way.

Then again I have no idea WHY I want to know who dies! :rofl:

I saw the first two movies. Entertaining but like I dont see the obsession.

But thats just me.

NO NO NO NO NO!!! The books...are GREAT!!!
If someone posts a spoiler of who dies...IM GONNA HAVE TO LOOK>...so please dont....."can you send him a PM"
I dont want a spoiled story, but I know if someone post it I am going to want to read the post and then......AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!! I will cry lots of tears.....Im gonna be reading that book while waiting for eggies to be laid and hatched....have to keep my mind busy or else Im gonna go nutso!!
I hope you arent upset with me Perran,,,but Please, dont make anyone post it "OUT LOUD"
Thank you kindly,

Buy A Paper Doll
07-23-2005, 08:18 PM
Don't know if we are going to be able to access EZboard this evening. I've tried to go there several times within the last hour and the connection keeps timing out. I know they were working on firewalls earlier this afternoon and heaven only knows what they screwed up this time. They've been trying to restore the balances in Community Chests and entire boards have been disappearing. Ours is OK, so far, but I don't think they done anything to it yet. Our CC balance hasn't changed since May 31st.

Good lord, do those people not have a test version of that thing that they try this stuff out on first? :confused:

I do similar type of work for a living (web and database maintenance) and all I can tell you is, if I allowed my associates to hack on the live databases and risk knocking the whole site down like that, even for a minute, I would get fired in a hot second.

Glad we're out of there. EZBoard sucks.

07-23-2005, 09:40 PM
got kicked, ended up alone and kicked again...so I left...its getting late anyway, Im going to read the boards and check my hens and get to bed.
thank you all for chatting tonight.
it was nice!
take care,
until next time

07-23-2005, 10:16 PM
Yup, I finally gave up after being bumped several times. Thanks for the chat, everyone, was great typing at you! :)

07-23-2005, 10:21 PM
EZboard just wasn't cooperating this evening. Our other site has been up and down so I'm glad we aren't depending on it anymore....

07-23-2005, 10:56 PM
well after fruitlessly trying to get back into chat after a babymeltdown :roll: , I finally thought to check over here... glad I wasn't the only one rejected by EZboard.

Wish I could have been there longer... guess we'll see all y'all next week.


07-23-2005, 11:22 PM
i got back in (finally!).... couldn't go through the main ezboard site (www.ezboard.com, then logging in), but I could get there fine by using the direct link I had saved in my favourites...http://p079.ezboard.com/blovebirdsplusaviarydiscussionboard ... so I dunno... maybe helpful info for next week?


07-24-2005, 08:36 AM
Perran - Sorry, but I can't tell you that. You'll have to read the books or wait for the movie in a few years. The books are great! You should try them. J.K. Rowling is really a good writer and that's what has me glued to every word.

Lori - Don't worry, I will never say anything about a book until I know someone has read it :D I'm a Harry Potter fanatic! I have a whole collection of collectibles that have been given to me by family & friends. When I get my house my office room will be decorated in HP with ceiling fan, wallpaper border and all my collectibles. I also love Lord of the Rings! Never could get into the books. Hard to keep my attention as there is too much wayside explanations. Let me know when you read it and we can talk about it. You're going to be shocked!! :omg: :omg: