View Full Version : So happy...i think she remembered me

05-11-2008, 03:51 PM
hi everyone,

as some may know i had to re-home my lovie "peaches" a few months ago.
well i saw her today and she is doing wonderfully! she still loves to be scritched and doesn't nip or bite at all!! which to me is evidence that her new fid mom is doing a wonderful job with her. and she is a whopping 64 grams! she's still getting along famously with her new fid family too! :clap :clap :clap

05-11-2008, 03:57 PM
why did u have to re-home your bird? and what is fid?

05-11-2008, 05:48 PM
hi everyone,

as some may know i had to re-home my lovie "peaches" a few months ago.
well i saw her today and she is doing wonderfully! she still loves to be scritched and doesn't nip or bite at all!! which to me is evidence that her new fid mom is doing a wonderful job with her. and she is a whopping 64 grams! she's still getting along famously with her new fid family too! :clap :clap :clap

Thats great news Susan! And she's 64 grams! WOW :rotfl. I'm sure this is one very big relief knowing Peaches is getting the care you've always wanted for her. Glad that you could share it with us...........:)

why did u have to re-home your bird? and what is fid?

Fid (n) is a term many bird (and some animal lovers) use to describe their "feathered kid".................:)

05-11-2008, 07:08 PM
My Oliver recognized his former owner for at least the first year after I adopted him (two visits by her in that time) and he still might but he doesn't willingly go to her any more when she visits. He's no dummy and knows he hit the mother load when I adopted him. :D

Glad to hear that Peaches is also happy in her new home. :)

05-11-2008, 08:57 PM

she was re-homed because my hubby was having a hard time adjusting to her noise level. he works at home during the day and she was just one happy chirpy lovebird. we have a small ranch so even relocating her to another room didn't really help, but most of all it wasn't fair to her! i wanted her to be with a family where she could just be her self. she was a gift to me for my birthday. i had her for about a year.

05-12-2008, 06:35 AM
what a shame u had to get rid of your lovebird. we have a peachface in the house for about 3 yaers now and is considered part of the family by all of us. i just joined this forum a couple of days ago i am just getting the hang of it.
besides our lovebird in the house i built an aviary about 6 weeks ago, here r the pics


05-12-2008, 05:09 PM
Susan -- I'm so glad that things are working out for Peaches in her new home. That is wonderful news! Even better: you're able to visit from time to time, which is such a nice thing.

How is the noise level of a caique compared to a lovebird? I'll be honest: I've never heard a caique utter a peep but then again, I've never lived with one!

Hope that all is well,


05-12-2008, 06:38 PM
Yay it is always nice to know when ones fid is well taken care of:D

05-12-2008, 09:13 PM
thank you everyone for your replies! besides missing peaches i miss being able to share my stories with you all about living with one of these precious birdies. this is such a great forum...one of the very best in my opinion!

and "rbalbury" that is a beautiful aviary!!

"eliza" a caique can be quite sqwaky at times, but it's different than a lovies chirp. kind of hard to explain. bailey will just "contact call" in the mornings and maybe around dinner time. where peaches would just chirp at the top of her little lungs most of the day. to me it was fine..to hubby??? not so fine.

i'm just so thankful i found such a wonderful home for her! and i have to say if it were just me in my home i would deifinetly have some (not just one) lovebirds, i think they are adorable!

05-12-2008, 10:17 PM
thanks for the aviary compliment, we enjoy it very much... havn't watched morning tv since we got birds in it ;-)

Pips mom
05-14-2008, 12:23 AM
It's not just the aviary----look at how happy them birdies look there! That says it all!
I'm glad that you found a good home for your lovie and can still see her too. My lovie was re-homed by a young college kid who I could tell really loved Pip----he was going to school and working and just had little time for Pip, so he thought it would be better to find him a good home. He put him up for adoption on craigslist for free with cage! and was more interested in finding a good home than the money. I still gave him something though for Pip and have always kept in touch and he even takes Pip for us when we go away on vacation! He is very impressed that Pip eats veggies now! Pip also makes those same loud noises that you mentioned your lovie made. Oh he goes on and on endlessly sometimes----but only when he's in cage, or the other birds get him going! Sometimes I say to him----don't you ever get tired Pip?? You'd think they'd get tired of vocalizing after while---sometimes he just goes on and on endlessly!
I don't think re-homing affected Pip much----he never seemed scared or bothered by a new home and new surroundings----it all seemed like it was a big adventure for him----he always stayed happy and shoved his way right out the cage door within minutes of his previous owner leaving! One thing everyone tells me----he sure named Pip right! :rofl:

05-14-2008, 12:54 AM
Hi Susan,
I'm very glad that all is working well for Peaches! 64 grams is impressive! Sounds like her new home agrees with her and that's what's important! Not every bird is right for every home and when rehoming is done with the best interests of the bird in mind, it's always a good decision.

It's nice that you can still visit with her. :) :)

05-14-2008, 07:57 PM
thank you all for your support! yes, 64 grams is pretty impressive! made me feel so good to know she's doing so well...pip does sound alot like peaches!

05-19-2008, 10:18 AM
Hi Susan,

How could Peaches forget a wonderful fidmom like you? So glad you got to see her, that is a nice arrangement.

How is the caique for a pet compared to the lovie? I love them and am seriously considering getting one soon. Are they noisy? Nippy? Friendly to other birds?

05-19-2008, 03:50 PM
Eddie weighed a whopping 46.15 grams last week.

05-19-2008, 04:13 PM
hi laura,

hhmmm..it's kinda hard to compare the two. caiques can be noisy "at times".
but at least for bailey it's just for around 15 mins in the morning and maybe a few minutes around supper time. and sometimes if he can't see me he'll give out a contact call.

they are just so funny! what i really love about him is that he's his own entertainment! just give them enough toys and they'll play for hours..literally...the same when i put him on his playstand. the thing is they play, play, play...no rest time for these guys, no perch potatoes here..but that goes for just sitting on you and chillin' ain't happening. of course as all birds have their "own" personalities there are some caiques who will sit still for a while.

bailey does not nip or bite at all. he has never drawn blood so far. they are beaky birds though which means they use their beak like it's another foot. sometimes he grabs a little hard with it but it's usually if he's just too excited.
all i have to do is either put him in his cage to calm down a bit or distract him with a toy. they can be persistent little buggers.

he loves everybody! and will go to anybody.

you can hold them in your hand, lay them on their backs and finger wrestle with their feet, they'll hang with one foot off your finger...

i would recommend you "google" some on the web and you can get more info on these guys. there's a forum calleg "caiquecrazy.org" and it has all kinds of information...good luck!

05-23-2008, 11:06 AM
Thanks Susan,

I will check that site out.