View Full Version : Trixie's first wing clip since coming to us

07-23-2005, 07:26 PM
Ok so we all pile into the car and drive to Jersey to the breeder's store where Trixie was born for Trixie's first wing clip since we have had her (2nd overall, she was clipped as a young one before we had her).

I knew it was time for a clip because today I startled her when I was changing shirts and she flew to the otherside of the house like she was a hawk or somehting. :D

While we were riding in the car, Trixie was a little jumpy in her travel cage, no big deal though. Nothiong to bad. Oddly enough, when we crossed the bridge over the big river, she calmed down and stared at all the boats and stuff. :)

We get to the store. Todd (the owner) gently grabs her, holds her, spreads the wings and clips the 2 outside feathers.

Trixie didnt cry, scream, yell, fidget, squawk, or try to get away. She just had this really confused look while it was happening.

As soon as he was done she hops on his shoulder, almost as if she knew he was grandaddy or something. Then she comes to me and all is well. She snuggleds, looked at some birds and then I placed her back into her little portable pouch thingy with windows (I use that once we arrive at our destination and hasnt been used much).

So I was freakin out before we got there, all nervous and stuff. Turned out fine. She isnt miffed or anything.

Just same ole happy snuggly Trixie.


Buy A Paper Doll
07-23-2005, 07:30 PM
Perran, you have a very easygoing bird. When wing clips happen in this house there is much pouting and carrying on. :roll:

07-23-2005, 07:39 PM
Thats what I was expecting, either that or a hissy fit or the eternal "Im turning my back on yew cause Im miffy with yew!" :rofl:

Nuthin except happy tweets with the $125 worth of goodies, foods, toys etc we got her today. :omg:

Buy A Paper Doll
07-23-2005, 08:06 PM
Well, yeah, if you bribe them with toys then there is minimal pouting! I have to admit though, the most pouting after a wing clip comes from their daddy. :blush:

07-24-2005, 01:47 PM
Oh boy. Just another reminder that half the flock here is due for clipping. George, Gracie, Sam, and Didjit are all waaay to flighted right now. :omg:

07-24-2005, 04:14 PM

Glad Ms. Trixie took the snipping well. You may find that the two feathers is not enough though, as mine fly quiet well with clipping four flights from each side. You'll know soon enough ;)

Yep, time to do the snippity, snip around here too. We have to pile up in the car also, as Mom is a big Chickie. Well, that, or I choose to let someone else be the bad guy :lol

07-24-2005, 04:42 PM
Perran, glad to hear that it went well for you and Trixie! :)

My Oliver never reacts to having his clipped. Doesn't make a peep and doesn't seem to mind at all. Course, he IS a perfect little lovie! :D

07-24-2005, 06:10 PM
That's great! Trixie is quite a trooper, although you could trim my wings too, if you buy me all those goodies!!!

Peepo has flown across my bedroom once or twice, so I FINALLY enlisted the help of my husband to clip while I held out each wing (just one feather on each wing had grown enough to give her some real distance). It's taken me a long time to get comfortable to do that. Peter has to have a full clip to keep him from flying like CRAZY and it doesn't matter if you trim Luka's wings or not - he flies!

I made the mistake (I guess :roll: ) of letting Peter and Luka become fully flighted for a period of time. The mistake is that they got really mischeivious and would get into all sorts of things so fast. They'd do things like crawl behind my TV (mounted up on the wall) and mess with the cords. If I can keep Peter somewhat grounded, Luka doesn't go far.

With Peepo, since she's a cuddly baby, I just couldn't have her out as much if she could fly, so I am going to try and stay on top of that. Peter and Luka would LOVE to show her how to chew wires, I'm sure :eek: but I'd rather be able to have her out often. None of them are too put out with trimmings and such... maybe they get used to it.

Trixie sounds like quite a sweet baby!