View Full Version : getting aquainted...sharing a meal together

Pips mom
05-13-2008, 07:37 PM
Well, I have tried to keep these guys apart and have for a while now, but since Pip flew into the other room where Ivy was, I have been letting them spend some short times together to get aquainted, Pip needed his wings clipped, which I got them done today, and this time they clipped one less flight feather and the clip seems perfect and not too severe! At first I thought Pip would be too aggressive with Ivy and try to nip, but now I am pretty impressed with Pip's self control! I know he wants to just run right over and get her! not to be mean or anything, but that's just Pip's way! but he holds back and does ok most of the time. I don't think I will ever be able to trust the two together, but I'm thinking they will do much better than I thought! Here they are.....sharing a plate of veggies!


05-13-2008, 09:00 PM
Wow! Ivy is quite a lot bigger than Pip! They look so cute eating their veggies. My bird likes corn the best too! :)

05-13-2008, 10:57 PM
I see what you mean about Pip. It actually shows in him wanting to run over to Ivy exactly like you said. And Ivy appears to be a little cautious. They look as though their both behaving quite well though. Very sweet birds you have there!................... :).

05-14-2008, 03:29 PM
what a great video!! :) they look so cute standing next to each other. ivy seems to be glancing at pip out of the corner of her eye, not quite sure, and pip seems ready to become best friends. hopefully this is the start to a lifelong, albeit closely watched, friendship!! :)

05-19-2008, 10:31 AM
Wow! What a size difference!

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but you have just the 2 birds now, right? I am thinking about getting Eddie a friend, and I am liking the caiques. Do you know anything about how they may be with a lovie?

Glad to see Ivy and Pip getting along, Ivy for sure looks a little leary of fresh little Pip. Doesn't seem to know she could bite him in two!

How is she being with you? Very friendly? How old was she when you got her?

05-19-2008, 10:39 AM
Great video!

Pip is such a lovie...absolutely NO concept of the size difference between him and Ivy. :rolleyes: Ivy is beautiful.

There seems to be quite an energy between the two of them...good thing that you keep a close eye on the two 8o

Pips mom
05-19-2008, 11:14 PM
I also have two tiels, Woody and Boss----they have met Ivy, and they did ok with her, although they are in love and as long as they have each other, they don't seem to mind one way or another what other bird comes along! Boss, my female seems interested in Ivy at times----she will climb up to the top of the cage to get a look at what she is doing! Woody could pretty much care less about Ivy or that she is there! Now Pip, on the other hand, YES----he sure is just like lovie! He loves other birds, other people, even dogs! He's very social and when he sees any other animal, it's like he's trying to say----be my friend! Pip does get nippy at times, and also Ivy has chased him away! so these two will probably not be the best of buddies! but they do seem to like each other some.
Ivy has been with us for one month, four weeks, tomorrow, tuesday! Pip cut the quarantine time a little short when he flew into the room where I was keeping her! little stinker! After that I took him to get his wings clipped again! he was due! I had them clip him one feather less this time and it seems like a perfect clip! Not too severe and he can still fly some! Ivy is now 11 months old, she was ten months when we got her and in another month will be her hatch day, on june 29th! She is very friendly, steps up, likes to get her head petted----she is great! Although it was a tough thing for her to go through, a new home and new surroundings, and she had a rough time there for a while, especially the first week. She is also a great eater! What a little piggy and she likes just about everything! Every veggie, fruits, pellets, nuts---you name it! she likes it! she hasn't refused much! Everybirdy is doing great! I still would like to take Ivy to the vet for her checkup----which I put off for a while because she was so scared when we got her----I didn't want to scare her too much----she sure seems healthy though and is very active and playful! almost hyper at times! I suppose because she is young. She came from a good home with a great birdie mom and also a flock of 20 some birds. Ivy just needed a home that was a little quieter and calmer----the big flock there was getting too overwhelming for her and pionus tend to be more laid back and like a more peaceful environment----her owner loved her enough to do what she thought would be best for Ivy----she also was looking to re-home some parrotlets---I think she got carried with getting birds and just got too many and was having problems with them getting along and I just don't know how she did it with all those birds! She had two lovies---sweet as could be, and they rode around on me some of the time I was there! All her birds seemed so happy and so loved and active/playful---I almost felt like I was bringing Ivy to a worse place----her prior home was birdie heaven!!!

05-23-2008, 11:03 AM
Thanks.... glad all is well. Ivy sure is pretty.