View Full Version : regurgitating with no result

05-15-2008, 06:27 PM
at night my lovebird looks as though he (or she) is trying to regurgitate but nothing comes up. he just does the action over and over with no noise or anything. is this a sign of illness? should i be worried?

05-15-2008, 09:46 PM
I've seen lovies who do this behavior who are not ill. Has your lovie been doing this for a time? Is it done at a particular time or with a paticular toy?

However, I would watch for signs of illness from your lovie. The lovies who I've seen vomit usually gack and then shake their heads really hard. This usually results in vomit spreading all over. Other signs of illness include lethargy, not eating, being puffed up and sometimes at the bottm of the cage, and their poops are often runny.


05-15-2008, 10:56 PM
well he does it nearly every night just before bed...everything else seems fine and he ha done it since i got him a couple of months ago...