View Full Version : Brand new bird

05-17-2008, 11:23 PM
So I just adopted a blue masked lovebird. It's previous owner bought 2 from a pet store as just company. Didnt handle them, or take them out of the cage. She also didnt realize that the lovebirds shell the seeds in the food and drop them back in the bowl. She wondered why the level of food wasnt going down. :( Long story short. One of the birds died, I imagine of starvation. So I have the last remaining bird. It has been with me bout 2.5/ 3 days. I am not sure how to go about taming or socializing this little fella since he's probably a lil traumatized. Any and all advice would be so appreciated. Thanks so much!

05-18-2008, 12:14 AM
At the moment my only advice is to make sure this young bird is accepting food and water. Do you know what type of seed or other food may have been administered that they were already eating? Has it eaten since you brought it home? Some birds may not change from eating something their used to, so this is important in case this bird is already near starving. Food intake sounds to me like it would be very crucial at this time. Also, do you know its approximate age? .....If you can, give us as much info possible. Should this bird appear lethargic or incompacitated in any way please call a vet ASAP. If no vets available or your not quite sure of this birds current condition or have doubts about its care, please post in the "I NEED HELP NOW" forum.

Since this birds health has already been seriously compromised, making sure it regains its health and is out of danger is first and foremost. Lets make sure your bird is out of danger first, that way taming can easily follow without any health related problems. Please keep us posted!..................:)

05-18-2008, 02:52 PM
The bird seems surprisingly healthy, since before I received it it was in a pet store environment and was treated as the other birds. It is definitely eating. I put a small dish of brown rice and corn in his cage and when he came down from his perch to eat, he did approach the brown rice and corn. but afterwards ate from the dish of his seed mix. I haven't had any success with fruit yet but I will try later.
I don't have a clue how old it is, but it is pretty tiny. (About 4 inches tall) It does not seem lethargic however it doesn't really play either. It seems most content while sitting on the highest perch in the cage. He is very nimble at climbing the sides of the cage to get there too. On the outside he does seem very healthy but when i put my hands too close to him or near the outside of the cage where he is, he will jump from his perch and start chirping.

05-18-2008, 06:11 PM
Good to hear he's eating well and climbing about his cage. Starvation can really have some serious effects on a small bird. Just knowing the other one died is enough to figure how close to death this one could have been as "any" bird, especially a young one can succumb very quickly if a new caretaker can't get them to eat. This is a good time to also watch his poops. Obviously this is a sure sign he's eating well and can be used in identifying other problems too.

You may want to line up a good avian vet in your area and eventually take him for a "well bird exam". I know this sounds like a lot all at once but making sure your bird has a healthy start can save not only loads of finances but may spare lots of heart ache too. Besides the many specific forums dealing with everything from breeding to "behavior and taming", the "Lovebird Resource Library" offers many informative topics and links. There's also a search engine in the library to help in locating a vet in your area. http://AAV.org/vet-lookup/ . You know, a good start to taming your new companion is to just spend time nearby the cage. You can try offering foods that he/she likes in the palm of your hand while at the same time see if he'll "step up" on one of your fingers. Do you know if he's fully flighted or not? This would be a good time to make sure he can't get out through a window or door. Perhaps do a little bird proofing too just to make sure there's nothing he can get into. Believe me, if there is anything they WILL find it:roll:. Should he decide to go for a flying vacation and refuse to return to his cage for awhile a mild wing clip may also be something to think about.

I'm especially glad to hear he's eating. And brown rice too! :) Thats my lovebirds all time favorite! Small pieces of fruits and veggies may work well for your bird, but mostly along with offering various foods you'll find it just takes time, patience, and a bit of persuasive trickery. In the "Lovebird care" forum there's a section on diet that may help. Most of all, there are many members here who would love to share their thoughts and idea's with you. Anytime you need to ask questions or just want to share an experience...PLEASE DO!..................:)

05-18-2008, 08:25 PM
He is not flighted. He had his wings clipped before he came to me, and I'm not sure how much they clipped but it did seem like a lot since he cannot fly at all. Not even to glide down to the floor :( The problem with feeding him anything is he will not even let my hands get ANYWHERE near him before he starts freaking out. I have been keeping his cage close by wherever I am and will talk to him and play him music, but still he seems pretty scared. I sometimes play videos of lovebirds playing on my laptop and when they chirp, he will also respond. I dont know if this is a good idea, but it's the most excited I've seen him. I do know of a good avian vet in my area, so I'm just waiting until their office is open again to schedule a checkup. Thanks so much for the help and advice. It seems like getting him to "step up" is a long ways away, but ill definately continue working on it. I was considering maybe taking some cardboard boxes and taping a few together into a sort of arena/safe playpen and sitting in it with the bird and seeing if it will just kinda be curious and come to me, but that seems a lil drastic at this point.

05-18-2008, 09:15 PM
Yeah, he sounds like one scared little birdy. Poor little thing. If only we could just tell them we mean no harm. :wink:...Really, when you look at this situation of a lovebird being scared and its new owner not quite sure of the best approach, this is what makes any relationship later on even more special yet. I'm sure it will be interesting to compare in about a year from now, or maybe a lot sooner :). Perhaps now that he's clipped, whenever you spend time with him you can just leave his cage door open. See if he'll maybe pop out on his own. Gosh, all this talk about another new lovie/owner relationship just starting out. Makes me wannanotherlovebird >o. I actually miss those first few weeks of the "getting to know each other process", even if some of those bites were kind of painful!

05-19-2008, 07:50 AM
well no bites yet thank goodness. Maybe when he discovers hands can be good things. I await the day. Im a little scared to just let him walk around on his own right now as the room he is in does have some corners he could easily hide in and not come out, so a little preparation will have to be done on my part. But Im calling the vet today to schedule a checkup and ask for advice. I was considering getting another lovie that was handtamed so maybe it could teach this one not to be so scared, but I hear once they bond they can be not as affectionate to their human. Ill keep you all posted!

Pips mom
05-19-2008, 08:44 AM
Awww, that is so sad about the home he came from, and that the lovie with him died. Remember one thing though----you don't know for sure the reason why the other lovie died and if it was starvation, and this lovie seems healthy, then all the more reason to take him to a vet just to be sure. I would be a little suspicious about his health if he was with another bird that died. From what you say, alot of the descriptions of his actions and behaviour sound pretty normal and healthy---he's still adjusting so it's hard to tell. Let us know how the vet goes----I would definitely get him there asap, and good luck and best wishes that you have healthy lil lovie!

05-19-2008, 05:26 PM
That is a very good point. I am definitely suspicious, and concerned for him, as I don't know the whole story or history of him but I'm no stranger to that. Most of my pets are adopted or sometimes I foster animals that just come without stories or explanation. His behavior does seem normal, except I'm starting to notice little things, like he'll rub his beak against his perch after eating. He does preen quite a bit, but not to the point where he's balding or hurting himself. He's been doing this thing where it sounds like he's grinding his beak, and swallowing afterwards. Another thing that is making me a little worried is I never witness him drinking from his water dish. But I do work during the day a few days so I may just not be around when he happens to do this. I made an appointment with the vet, so we'll see what happens then. I may call and ask for just an on the phone consultation first to get some general information as The appointment is not for about a week and a half. I'll keep all of you posted. :)

05-20-2008, 04:02 AM
Congrats on your new baby. Beak rubbing on perch is normal. They have a itches like us i am sure. The grinding noise your hearing is most likely your bird saying "wow this place is nice". My current lovebird has never drank water in front of me. If it was not for seeing hulls in his water I would never know he went near it.


Pips mom
05-20-2008, 01:47 PM
Haha---rubbing his beak on the perch after eating is normal! Pip HATES a messy beak! Oh, get that food off there, he wipes furiously if anything gets on his beak! As far as the water goes though, Pip loves the water and every morning after I get him fresh water, he drinks it right away, and if I change the water during the day, and he sees me, he will fly right over to get another drink----he always drinks in front of me, and takes a bath too! I do have a cockatiel though that I rarely see drink----once in a while I catch him though, so they can do it while we aren't there or looking! Your new lovie still seems pretty normal though and hopefully he is as healthy as he seems to act! sure eases your mind though to find out for sure!

05-22-2008, 10:49 AM
I think I'm having a little breakthrough with chewie. I've been sitting in the room with him and keeping his cage doors open. Well He's started hopping out on his own and walking around and exploring. Still no step ups or letting my hands get close, but he seems less scared now :)