View Full Version : The honeymoon's over

Buy A Paper Doll
07-24-2005, 08:50 AM
As you may remember, M&M moved in together yesterday. :) They moved into a larger cage that neither one of them had seen before, to prevent territory issues. First day went just fine. Minimal bickering, and they even slept together, side by side, on top of Milo's cozy cave.

This morning hubby and I woke up to wretched screaming. Sounded like someone was ripping Melody's toenails out. I went running into the living room and found Melody sitting on her swing all by herself, shrieking up a storm. A bewildered looking Milo sat on a perch 2 feet away. It's been like this all morning. I checked her out to make sure there's nothing physically bothering her (like a broken feather or something). No reason. Just screaming to hear herself scream, I suppose.

Any suggestions, besides earplugs? :x

07-24-2005, 08:58 AM
Ah, Jennifer!
Trying to understand the mind of a lovebird isn't always the easiest thing in the world! :lol Is the new cage in the same spot where her other one was? Is there something near the cage that she might be trying to warn you about, something she might consider to be dangerous?

Can you try putting Melly back in her other cage? This might take a bit of detective work, as it could be almost anything.........

Buy A Paper Doll
07-24-2005, 09:10 AM
Aha! I've been watching her in her swing, and as odd as it sounds, I think it's pinfeathers. She screams, then twists her head, brushing it against the side of her swing. I put a bath in the bottom of the cage in case she wants it.

Another thought, last night a visitor came over with an 8 week old puppy. The birds stayed in the cage but the puppy wandered around the house a bit. My birds have never seen a non-bird animal so they made alarm calls and generally freaked for a few minutes until they realized the puppy was not coming near their cage. Maybe she's still picking up that puppy smell?

07-24-2005, 09:48 AM
You may be hearing alarm calls left over from last night's puppy visitor. Birds are not known for their sense of smell but Melly may be remembering the sight of something she had never seen before. She may not realize that the puppy is gone. My entire aviary sets off an alert each time they hear an approaching train. They've been listening to this sound ever since I've lived here so it's nothing new. However, each train is a "strange" sound and I get told about it, even at 3 am!!