View Full Version : Shiney my little Miracle!

05-26-2008, 06:13 PM
Hey everyone,

I've not been on here for months!

So much has happened,

I handfeed baby parrots and have soo much experience with it now.

I've handfed linnies, a parrotlet, green cheek conure and senegal so far.

My flock consists of 4 budgies and Shiney my lovebird.

Me and all my little birds are doing so much better! :)

Shiney is now missing one foot and has for about 2 months now.

This is how it happened....

So I came up stairs because as I heard some screaming, I seen Shiney on his perch and he seemed ok when I checked him out, I put him back in the cage and 3 days later I noticed his foot was very swollen, quickly me and my mum rushed him to the vet, they told me his band had to come off because it was blocking the blood circulation from it being so swollen. There was a risk of breaking his leg while removing the band but if we did not his leg would have had to be amputated so we wen't with taking off the band. Sitting in the vets office I waited hoping everything would be o.k and just as I sat down they came out and put Shiney in my hands... his leg was ok! Shiney was given a shot of fluids and they sen't me home with some pain killers.

We hoped Shineys leg would start getting better but things started to get worse, it was turning darker so we had to take him to the vet again, this time they sent me home with some baytril, both me and the vet hoped it would help. A few days later Shineys leg died on us, I was crying because I was so scared of his foot having to be removed and the cost would have been well over $700 and my parents would have not payed for it altho my mom said we still would have done what ever to get the money because Shiney is our family.

(I also plan on saving at least $1,000 for vet trips in the future)

I e-mailed around looking for a cheaper vet... a lady who rescues parrots told me that we don't need to get surgery done if it's very black and hard and she said it would fall off on it's own sooner or later. She was right!! Shineys toes all fell off and then the whole dead part of his leg, he was in no pain what so ever and he started singing and chirping again. The skin has started growing around the open part and Shiney is doing great! It's a miracle and I'm sooo happy my dear lovebird is doing so well, he moves around as if he has 2 feet! :D

I'll also be taking him to the vet for another check up again, I also got him a new cage because I have no Idea how he hurt himself in the other cage.

Here are a few photos of him.




This is him with the parrotlet I handfed.

05-26-2008, 06:30 PM
Wow, what a stressful thing to go through! I am glad that Shiney is well, and what a handsome boy he is at that! It's a good thing he has such a loving family to care for him:)

05-26-2008, 07:41 PM
What a resiliant little guy!! Never ceases to amaze me how animals adapt to trauma and so well. You are a very good fid-ma for all youve done for that gorgeous little bird, and the parrotlet is SOOOO cute with him! :D

05-26-2008, 10:01 PM
Wow, that story just warmed my heart! Thank you for sharing your beautiful birds with us! :clap

05-27-2008, 08:23 AM
:omg: I went through every emotion reading through the story - but I am so glad that it has a happy ending!! :) you are right - what a miracle Shiney is!! :happy:

05-27-2008, 01:32 PM
I feel great sympathy..... for your bird! If it took you that long to realize he needed immediate medical attention, you might want to down-size the number of birds and pets you are tending to. Pet birds are a huge responsibility and vet care can be very expensive, I know, but that is something that everyone needs to take into account before getting any pet.

05-27-2008, 01:52 PM
I agree with Janie, I remember some of your posts from before and I just think honestly it is a miracle this bird is alive. Sorry if you think I am being mean, but it is the truth!

05-27-2008, 02:41 PM
I feel great sympathy..... for your bird! If it took you that long to realize he needed immediate medical attention, you might want to down-size the number of birds and pets you are tending to. Pet birds are a huge responsibility and vet care can be very expensive, I know, but that is something that everyone needs to take into account before getting any pet.
When he injured his foot in the cage he was O.K and still walking around doing fine, I did not notice the swelling until about 2 days later because it was very unnoticeable and I almost always notice when something is wrong with my birds. I take very well care of all my birds and everything is great. I would have done what ever to get the money for Shineys foot if he did need surgery because he's one in a million and I'll never let anything bad happen to him.

I agree with Janie, I remember some of your posts from before and I just think honestly it is a miracle this bird is alive. Sorry if you think I am being mean, but it is the truth!
Well if you want to live in that past that's your problem, everything is great with my birds now.

Thanks to everyone else.

05-27-2008, 05:20 PM
Didn't your profile name used to be ShineyRiver? Why did you change it?

05-27-2008, 06:09 PM
I believe it is time to sit down with your parents and decide what is to be done with your birds. Bird vets require alot more money then other animals because they are smaller. If you wish to keep birds you should have a fund so that if anything happens they can be seen. As a mother of 4 human and 3 pet kids I know how it is to not have alot of extra money. If your parents are not willing to step up and help you out then maybe some of your pets should be in homes were they can get urgent vet care when they need it. Also the parrot women who told you to just let the leg fall off should be reported to animal control. To allow a animal to suffer like that is cruel and in humane. While you might not think they suffer I an assure you losing a limb is not pain free unless your under sedation. Birds hide pain alot better then any other animal I have seen. We say this both for your family and the birds well being.


05-27-2008, 06:36 PM
I can't really add anything more to what our members have said but I'm going to tell you this. We are here to help but each time we make suggestions, they are ignored and you do what you want to do anyway. None of us can condone just letting a foot fall off. It's inhumane and irresponsible. It can also be classified as animal cruelty.

It's time to re-evaluate your situation and make changes. Something like this should never be allowed to happen again! Please don't come here, tell us a story like the one you shared and expect us to be sympathetic to you and tell you everything is great! It isn't. Shiney lost a foot and that's a permanent loss to him.

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