View Full Version : My lovebird hates my friend

06-02-2008, 02:07 PM
Every Friday my friend comes over and my lovebird absolutely HATES her! She used to pet him and hold him till one day he bit her. Now even if she walks past the cage or talks to him he lunges at her trying to bite her. It is now to the point that he won't even let me pet him or take him out of the cage when she's here. If I try then he chomps down on my finger. He is not a biter any other time. He's so sweet and cuddly until Friday comes along, LOL! Also he doesn't do this with any other visitors, just her.
Anyone else have this happen with their lovebird? What could be causing him to dislike her so much? And why does he bite me when she's here?

06-02-2008, 02:14 PM
I had a lovebird name Baggy who liked my husband at first. But then decided she did not like him anymore. She would fly right to him..bite him then fly away. How did your friend react when she was bite? Maybe she scared your bird when she was bit and you bird remembers it?


06-02-2008, 02:32 PM
Well she is scared of the birds in the first place. She got brave and started petting them. When he bit her I think she just pulled away real quick and said "OW! He bit me!"
Do birds sense fear like dogs do?

06-02-2008, 02:54 PM
Could be that your friend reminds your lovebird of someone in the past that did not treat him well. I have a DYH Amazon who hates men because he was mistreated by a man. My daughter has a girlfriend who must also remind Monty of someone, as he would draw blood if this girl gets within striking reach!! The bite you receive is probably displaced aggression and a form of warning you that your lovebird doesn't feel you are safe around this person. Remember, you need to look at it as your lovebird sees it!

Do birds sense fear like dogs do?
Birds can sense fear but I'm not sure that it's the same manner in which dogs sense it.

06-02-2008, 03:16 PM
I got him at 8 weeks old from a very sweet woman, so i doubt it would be anything with her but maybe she had a visitor that was mean to the birds. He defiantly likes men more than woman. As much as he loves me he prefers my hubby, and he allows my friends boyfriend to pet him. So maybe it was a woman or young girl that did something to him.

Wait, now that I think about it, Jack won't allow my daughter near him either and I just figured it was because she was a three year old. The lady I got him from has grandchildren. I guess it's possible that a little girl harmed him in some way.

Thanks Linda!

06-06-2008, 11:45 AM
I think I can closely relate to you. In the first place my lovebird was fine being held by anybody. Sometimes when she would bite it would be like testing out people. Perhaps they even did something she didn't like. After a while she started hating girls and now no woman can even try petting her. I think it has to do with a combination of two things. First, the reactions that certain people get from biting may influence how much she bites the same person again. When this person gets bit they jump and appear to be a threat so I think she begins to hate being close to that person. Second, the reason why she might take to guys more is because she sees them as possible mates. I know that my bird can tell the difference between guys and girls even by just seeing their hands. It's like an instinct. But also, when I bought my bird from a small pet store the owner was a man and they were buddies.