View Full Version : Wing Clip....GUILT!

06-07-2008, 10:56 AM
Both Big Boi and Shy have been fully flighted for over a year but for the last 2 to 3 weeks it's a constant battle to get Big Boi into the cage at night. Sometimes it takes me 15 minutes and if I'm going somewhere that can be a problem. He'll fly to me but runs to the center of my back when I reach for him. :rolleyes: So.....after chasing him for over 15 minutes last night I decided it was time for a clip. My plan was to only clip his wings but then Shy acted weird when I put Big Boi back in the cage (Shy was already in) and since they are not the best of friends I was afraid that Shy would take this opportunity to pick on him. I decided I should clip Shy, too, and I really hated to do that to him since he does step-up when he knows I mean business.

Anyway, it's a done deal but I felt so bad about it I even dreamed about it last night. :( I will never clip Oliver again as he has proven to me in the last 2 1/2 years since his last clip that he will always come when called and step up w/o any fuss. Oh well, maybe they'll start a full-blown molt soon and this clip will only temporarily slow them down.

06-07-2008, 11:16 AM
Yep- yep- yep...
I'm totally there with ya :( . I still feel terrible about Jack's clip.
He still flops around the bottom of the cage in a rage, biting his wings.
It's not as frequent as it was at first, but still happens.

06-07-2008, 11:29 AM
I have to clip Oli. When family is over there are just too many doors opening and closing. I'm happy she can finally fly around to wherever she wants to go but it must be done. She doesn't behave that well when I try to catch her to put her in her cage. I will feel so bad when she gets clipped. I can just picture the first time after when she tries to fly and drop straight to the floor. :( better safe than sorry I guess.

06-07-2008, 11:57 AM
I hate wing clips but sometimes they are inevitable! I feel your pain Janie. It's so frustrating when birdies just decide they are going to run and around and be crazy when you are trying to get them somewhere. I don't mean the crazy that happens when you're dealing with an untame bird. I mean the crazy that happens with a totally tame bird, like Big Boi, and they are just being little brats!

My flock is going to have to get a major clip and I am not looking forward to it. All my, 20 lovies, have been fully flighted for awhile and they did some major damage to their bird room. We fixed it all up and are going to give some major clips to keep them off the walls and fixtures. Of course, with 20 lovies there are always those who can't be clipped for health/safety reasons.

8o 8o

06-07-2008, 12:23 PM
I'm feeling a little bit better after watching them for a while this morning. Their bird room is set up so that they can still travel, even to the boings hanging from the ceiling, w/o flight. They're gliding well, at least. I'm sure Oliver is happy that HE can go everywhere w/o having Big Boi follow him every second. That bird follows Oliver everywhere! At least Shy is distracted by his gacking and humping enough during the day to give Oliver a break but not Big Boi! :rolleyes:

I am a firm believer that when safety is an issue, birds should always be clipped. Mine was not really a safety issue, just too much attitude from Big Boi and me being the only one able to get him back into his cage..... and not even easy for me! :whistle: Laura, you're right, he was just being a brat! :D

06-07-2008, 08:32 PM
aww I completely understand I just had Estrella clipped about 2 weeks ago. I felt horrible..especially since he cries when the vet does it and carries on like he has just been tortured! But it had to be done...he was getting such an attitude and it was a 15-20 min chase to catch him when I needed to put him in his cage. Plus I fear the whole ceiling fan situation...
Anyways, your being a good momma and sometimes it just has to be done!

06-07-2008, 08:49 PM
Well Janie, I think its unanimous. We have some real brats on our hands sometimes. Goofs been amusing himself every so often by not only taking his good ole time returning to his cage, but gallivanting upstairs where he knows he's not allowed. And of course like Big Boi, Goof positions himself in the middle of my back and has the nerve to place one foot on my hand for tormenting purposes. I think a bit of a trim is just around the corner...........:whistle:

06-07-2008, 09:58 PM
Same here. I remeber when i was clipping Banana's wings. He was screaming very unusually like he was going to die. He isnt tamed that much but i am working extremely hard with him. Sometime you have to clip them.

One of my friend did not clip the wings of his lovebird until it crashed into his window.:very_sad: He was in pain and i could feel it. Its for their own safety.

Pips mom
06-07-2008, 11:46 PM
Pip gets clipped too, and one time the clip was a little too severe and I felt bad-----so next time I told them to clip one less feather and the clip was perfect! This way he can still fly, but he just can't get as far and has to work a little harder. I could tell that one time that Pip was unhappy the first few days, but this last clip, he never got that way. I think they clipped six flight feathers if I am not mistaken, and that works out perfect for Pip. I don't feel guilty at all now as I know just how many he needs clipped to still enjoy some flight yet it calms the little monster down and keeps that "lovie" attitude in check! Pip is terrible when his wings grow out! into everything and give the attitude about going back in his cage! Same thing....I can't be calling work every day saying I'll be late because I can't get my bird in his cage! Pip is great with his wing clip, goes right back in the cage happily when he has to! I think out of all birds, lovies are one of the toughest! a clip is just a temporary set back and they seem to realize this and adjust pretty quickly----not much gets Pip down for sure! they are strong little stinkers and those feathers grow pretty fast too! In no time at all the wing clip thing will be in the past and all forgotten-----lovies have way too much playing to do to let this stop them!

06-08-2008, 07:09 AM
I ALWAYS keep my birds clipped. I had a bad experience when I was a little girl with our parakeet flying into a window and breaking its neck. Buddy was never very good at flying and always flying into walls and windows, and he should have had his wings clipped. And he also flew out the door one day, but I guess the sight of that big, scary world made him turn around and fly right back in the door!

My father was busy when Buddy flew into the window and broke his neck, but figured it was no different than any other time. He kept saying, "I'll be there in a minute." I held Buddy in my little hands while he peeped, took his last breath and closed his eyes. My father still remembers the tragic moment of seeing this little girl (I was probably about 6 years old) carrying this bird's body into him as he finally came to help, and accusingly saying, "You're too late. He's dead."

Every bird I've owned has had its wings clipped since then. That moment is ingrained in my memory. There may be birds that are good and accurate flyers (my old lovebird Li'l Devil was when I purchased him, and in fact the reason that I purchased him was that while I was looking at him in the pet store he flew out the door and into the mall, and then turned around and flew back in like my old parakeet Buddy), but I just won't take that chance again with that horrible memory in my mind of holding Buddy's broken body in my hands.

But I understand the guilt one might feel. Luckily my guy Odie has had his wings clipped from the beginning, so I don't have any guilt. I feel he doesn't know what he's missing.

Just know that even if safety is not your intention, you are increasing safety for your bird(s) when you clip. Aside from flying into windows and out doors, they also drown in toilets and dishwater and aquariums, and fly into boiling water and ceiling fans. There are a lot of possible dangers that bird owners need to be cautious of if they choose to not clip. If you don't clip, be sure to safeguard your home and monitor your birds every moment to keep them from harm!

Just the perspective of someone who has seen firsthand the possible dangers associated with not clipping.

06-08-2008, 05:34 PM
I wing clipped both Keiko and Mardi about a month ago and Mardi can already fly again...it was SO traumatic for me I won't do it again.

06-08-2008, 09:25 PM
Just know that even if safety is not your intention, you are increasing safety for your bird(s) when you clip. Aside from flying into windows and out doors, they also drown in toilets and dishwater and aquariums, and fly into boiling water and ceiling fans. There are a lot of possible dangers that bird owners need to be cautious of if they choose to not clip. If you don't clip, be sure to safeguard your home and monitor your birds every moment to keep them from harm!

Just the perspective of someone who has seen firsthand the possible dangers associated with not clipping.

Heather. I must say you've not only given great advice but many good reasons to help wipe out any guilt in regards to clipping our birds. Now that warmer weather has arrived for some of our members, there are many precautions that need to be taken very seriously. While I've always felt its much better not to clip any birds wings I also feel its part of the responsibility we have to keep our birds safe. When I can no longer manage my lovebird or his flight becomes too accelerated for his environment, its time for a clip. Naturally, like many others I still feel quite guilty. None the less, I think if done properly right from the start the benefits far outweigh a few minutes and even a few days of birdy discontent.

06-09-2008, 01:04 PM
Well, poor Big Boi remains in his cage for most of the day. It makes me just sick for him. I took a close look today and while I did not clip him too short, I clipped TOO MANY feathers. Shy is about the same but for some reason he is not taking the clip as hard as Big Boi and will venture out of his cage through out the day.

On a good note, Big Boi is getting a lot of "out of the bird room" time on my shoulder now and since I know his wings will grow back in the next few months I think we'll both survive the ordeal. :)

06-09-2008, 01:36 PM
Janie, I feel for ya, I am about to make this decision also. Last night the owners of our rental house came over (to look at our hot water heater which crapped out on us...) and as soon as they were in the house Luna was screaching and flying from ceiling fan to ceiling fan (both turned off). I tried to get her to come to me, but she wouldn't. Then she decided it was a game and wouldn't come to me last night for bed. I never have trouble with her... guess flying days may need to come to an end :( . Don't feel too bad they grow back, my issue is that I don't want her butchered and I am too chicken to do it myself.

06-09-2008, 06:57 PM
Becky, take it from me, when in doubt, have them (her) clipped by someone who is comfortable doing it! I have successfully clipped Big Boi and Shy in the past but because they've been flighted for so long now, I didn't have a previous pattern to go by and clipped too many feathers. Thank heavens I did not clip them short, just too many. I will not make that mistake again....I already promised Big Boi! :) Next time Momma will clip 4, then 5 if necessary, then 6 if necessary! Me bad! :(

06-09-2008, 11:30 PM
Having had my baby lovies grow up to nearly a year old, this August, they had never had their wings clipped, and it felt great letting out of their cage to fly around the house for hours at their leisure (though they would just go and perch on top of a lampshade and sit there preening one another above the heat of the lamp) But when i recently got my new birdie, at 6 mos. she came with fully clipped wings from the pet store, and she can't even glide; she can only hop or jump, and if she's too elevated even when perched on my finger, while im standing, the risk of her falling is too great :( She tries o flap her wings, to take flight along with her new companion, but she can't, so she starts to chirp in disappointment. Once inside her cage, she doesnt do anything, but sit and stare... breaks your heart to see it. You dont really know the true meaning of the expression "she feels like her wings her clipped" until you see an actual bird, unable to do what it naturally does... True that there are safety issues involved; and true that its much easier to train a bird when its wings are clipped, but I wonder if that creates any emotional problems for them.... But I feel your guilt whole heartedly - it's out of love for the little guys; but they get over it I think; and in the end its probably for their own good, to go thru a stage like that, and experience what it feels like. Perhaps it tames them in the long run... Good luck with your little fella... :)

Pips mom
06-10-2008, 09:45 AM
Finding the right clip for you lovie and knowing how many feathers to clip is really the key here. I swear....when I got Pip clipped last time, there was no upset birdie and he acted just the same and wasn't even bothered by it at all. Also......getting them clipped regularly and not waiting until they are so fully flighted that it is a huge change for them makes a difference. Pip can still fly and get where he wants to go, and even has a little lift and can go up a bit. His clip is perfect! and he is fine with it and there was no guilt involved! Pip is a happy clipped birdie!

06-12-2008, 05:45 PM
Hi Janie!

Ah, I understand what you are feeling!! :very_sad:

He'll fly to me but runs to the center of my back when I reach for him

I swear, Peaches just KNOWS when I'm going to put him in his cage! When we are upstairs and I tell him to step up, he comes to me right away and we go hang out downstairs. When we are going downstairs and he is going in his cage he starts going down my back, flys to the top of the shower, then to my dresser, back to the shower...lol....I don't know how he knows the difference!How does he know we just aren't going downstairs to play? He must have a 6th sense! LOL! Do I have that, "MAMA is going to put me in my cage LOOK?"

I've threatened to clip him when he acts like a brat, but, I haven't!!! LOL

Peaches was clipped a long time ago and I remember feeling like you do right now!
However, my avian vet said that sometimes a little wing clip is good when your lovie gets a little "attitude!!" :D

Sending you a big HUG!!! Lisa

06-12-2008, 06:47 PM
I have been watching this thread with great interest. I was thinking of getting Squeaky's wings clipped when we moved to the house - it is a side split with open access to all levels. I was worried about him getting lost or hurt. He hasn't been clipped since I got him from the pet store 14 years ago so I was very hesitant. The avian vet suggested waiting until we got here to see how he does. Squeaky does just fine - I bird proof and make sure doors are closed, toliet seats down, windows covered and there are no cooking hazards. I guess because he's older he doesn't do a lot of flying and he's pretty in control. So that is Squeaky.

On the other hand, my new lovie Ducky is in quarantine in our home office. It is a small room. He was clipped at the pet store where he came from originally and enough of his flight feathers have grown in so he can fly. And fly he does! All around that little room in circles. And sometimes he gets scared and keeps going and ends up making a crash landing on the floor. Luckily it has only happened twice and he is fine. But, when we break the quarantine and bring him down to the living room, he needs to be clipped for his own safety. Especially until he gets used to being in a new, much bigger space. I will ask the vet tech to clip him so he can still glide down, but not acheive lift off. We'll see how it goes as to whether I continue to clip him.

I guess everybirdie is different!

06-13-2008, 09:40 AM
I swear, Peaches just KNOWS when I'm going to put him in his cage! When we are upstairs and I tell him to step up, he comes to me right away and we go hang out downstairs. When we are going downstairs and he is going in his cage he starts going down my back, flys to the top of the shower, then to my dresser, back to the shower...lol....I don't know how he knows the difference!How does he know we just aren't going downstairs to play? He must have a 6th sense!

WOW, does that ever sound familiar! :D Yep, they know when stepping up means just that and when it means you are going back into that wicked cage! :D

Christine, I am so glad you did not find it necessary to have Squeaky clipped. At his age, I think it would be way too traumatic and especially since he's always been flighted. Oliver has been fully flighted for around 3 years now and other than a matter of life or death, he will never get another clip. Safety must come first when deciding to clip or not clip but Oliver, like Squeaky, is a bird who is safe with flight and never fails to step up or come to me when I ask him to. :)

I'm hoping that this last clip for Big Boi and Shy will help in the future...... that they will remember (especially Big Boi) that "step-up" means just that! :D Let me tell you that he is stepping up like a champ....now! :D

06-17-2008, 03:32 PM
I'm saying this in a whisper voice (don't want Shy to hear me) but since that wing clip his gacking as STOPPED! :clap :clap :clap I'd given up hoping and figured he would gack his way into old age but for the last 4 days, not a drop of gack on his birdie buddy. No more gack piles on the buddy, the cage floor or the bird room floor! I am thrilled, hope this new behavior continues and wonder if that clip made a difference?????

06-17-2008, 04:55 PM
I'm saying this in a whisper voice (don't want Shy to hear me) but since that wing clip his gacking as STOPPED! :clap :clap :clap I'd given up hoping and figured he would gack his way into old age but for the last 4 days, not a drop of gack on his birdie buddy. No more gack piles on the buddy, the cage floor or the bird room floor! I am thrilled, hope this new behavior continues and wonder if that clip made a difference?????

I hope this post was accompanied by some heavy wood-knocking:rotfl

06-18-2008, 03:54 PM
Psssssttttt - Janie - do you really think the clip helped with shy's gacking? The reason I am asking is that Kiwi is driving me UP A WALL - sorry - with his constant humping, gacking, regurging, and we are on the fence as to a wing clip.

I know this is the season for mating and all, but we need to do something. It is constant, excessive, (and please don't forget, he likes to do it on our fingers sometimes with a kleenex :blush: >o :( did I mention it is NON-STOP)

Sooooooooo, I am just wondering what others think - if maybe a clip would calm him down?? >o :( :omg: :)

06-18-2008, 05:25 PM
Laura, I was knocking on anything that even looked like wood! :lol

Robyn, I am really curious if the clip had something to do with it. Since I'm always reading that changing a cage around, etc. is helpful (sometimes) in distracting a hen from laying, maybe it's the same effect. :confused: I don't know but I am one happy camper! :D Shy gacked, no joke, three or more tablespoons of "stuff" every single day. When he wasn't gacking, he was humping! :rolleyes: I considered removing the object of his gacking/humping affections, his birdie buddy, but I was afraid he'd get PO'd and take it out on Oliver and/or Big Boi so I never tried that. One time I thought he was loosing feathers on his chest but it was nothing more than dried up GACK!

I'm keeping fingers crossed and will keep you posted but today has been another gack-free day! :happy: