View Full Version : Kiwi Running away

06-08-2008, 03:54 PM
OK.. I just moved with Kiwi and ever since he is scared of me.. he literally runs as fast as he could away.. it makes me sad.. i havent clipped his wings lately so is it that he thinks hes boss because he can fly or what.... I moved away from home and it's just me and him.. hes not being a very good pet I even gave him treats he wont go near me. O yeah and it was always just me and him so its bascially the same setting only more space.. he just sits at the the bottom of his cage playing or walks around here like he owns it.

anyone have a clue whats goin on?

06-08-2008, 06:38 PM
Birds are all about routine and familiarity. Moving is a big thing and Kiwi just needs some time and patience to get used to his new surroundings. The key is not to get upset with Kiwi and try and force yourself onto him as this will just move him farther away and take him longer to adjust to his new surroundings. You may consider a modified clip for him until he's adjusted.

Oh, very rarely do parrots make good pets in the classic sense:rolleyes: . They are totally bossy, finicky, destructive, time consuming, and aren't always cuddly, and on and on and on. Of course, that's what most of us love about them8o .

06-08-2008, 08:01 PM
he was the most cuddly bird ever though... he wentto my friend b4 and then wouldnt come to me do you think **** be laying an egg soon he can be a she and hes one today

06-08-2008, 11:40 PM
How well does Kiwi fly? I ask cause even the tamest of lovies will become uncuddly and flighty with full flight. Lovebirds are like two year olds and like to run around and be crazy. I have several tame lovies who run around like their wild until you give them a wing clip, and then they are all lovie dovie. If Kiwi is fully flighted, I recommend giving him a modified clip to slow him down some.

I really wouldn't be too concerned about his behavior and doubt eggs are coming with the info you've provided. Just remember, Kiwi will be with you for years and years and all the lovies I have have gotten mellower as the years go by. Just be patient and try an wing clip.

:) :)