View Full Version : Hair colour and birds?

06-11-2008, 07:21 PM
I was thinking about colouring my hair and then realized that both my birds spend some time on my head and chewing on my hair. I am assuming that hair dye is toxic to birds because it is very strong smelling and it is a potent chemical. Is this correct?

What about highlights? :confused:

I am thinking I may have to stay au naturel for my birdies!

06-11-2008, 08:59 PM
You know i color my hair and never thought about that. Maybe you can color it and wait til hair does not smell so strong before letting them hair nibble?


06-11-2008, 09:18 PM
I don't even remember what my natural colour is!! Hadn't thought of that yet, I usually do it myself at home but that is SO not an option with the fids now. Hmmmm....
I reckon you'd only not let them on your head for a day or two, the dye stops running usually after that (for redheads, anyway!)
Good question though, looking forward to hearing some more responses. Also, what about nail polish?? I dont wear it myself but visitors with nail polish get extra attention from the fids, they love the moving colours. I worry that they might chew a chip off or something, although I try to distract them with toys. Thoughts, comments?

06-11-2008, 11:40 PM
Hey, I'm in the same boat with you but I'm using semi-permanent dye so it's a bit safer for me. What's safer for me has got to be less toxic for my birds.

Seriously, after about the first week, the actual chemicals that did the coloring should have been washed out (or at least I think this to be the case) so it's a matter of what I do to my hair after that.

06-12-2008, 12:09 AM
I color my hair myself, and when I do, I always make sure that the AC is running and that I stay in a different room (on the other side of the house) while the chemicals are in my hair. When its time to rinse, I just jump in the shower and turn the water on full blast and try to get every last bit of hair dye out (I have a fiberglass enclosure so I don't have to worry about dye staining tile grout, thank goodness). I then blow dry immediately and I, too keep Baby from my hair until I've washed it at least three times. So far, so good, have'nt had any issues.

As far as nail color goes, she's not allowed to chew on fingernails at all. But as a precaution, when I do have my nails done I get the gel acrylic overlay, which is a very durable topcoat. I never have problems with nail color chipping off.


06-12-2008, 05:10 AM
I don't know about the nail polish issue - I never wear it. Although the birdies do like to nibble on my nails and fingers!

Thanks for shedding some light on the hair colour issue. If I do dye it, I'll keep birdies off for several days until that chemically smell is gone. My husband said "Wear a hat!" Wouldn't that look great - me in a hat with a bird on top! :rofl: