View Full Version : paring of lovebirds need help anyone

07-24-2005, 11:15 PM
hiii :happy:

i just wanna know something

i had kept all my birds in one cage when they were young and a few days ago i seperate them accordingly,they were few signs of bonding pairs now after sexing them i have found out that they are all males and so i brought a few more females(mature) to pair with them but now the bonds that they had bonded earlier with the other male birds are not showing any signs at all of bonding with the females......

plz advice another thing is that the...

i have a put a mature pair in the cage also....

there is atleast two other pairs in the cage which are not bonding properly....

they are two females together both olives and other two male ones they both are the wild type.....

plz help me on this......

07-25-2005, 12:10 AM
I'm not sure as I can help you as I do all my breeding with 1 DNA'ed/proven pair per cage. I am not familiar with colony breeding. Lovebirds will rarely break a bond with their partner if you introduce new birds, even if the original pair were of the same sex. In fact, you'll want to be very careful that the new birds aren't picked on or worse.
I'm sorry I couldnt be more encouraging:)