View Full Version : Bonding?

06-17-2008, 09:26 AM
I've been trying really hard to bond with Beezle more lately, at least let him out of his cage(which is hard with predatory cats roaming around...). Today I had him in my room, and he sat on my bookshelf. He starting bobbing his head a lot like he was going to take off from the shelf but never did. And after about an hour of just some random out of the cage time(some flying and holding was involved) I decided to hold him a little bit more before putting him back in his cage, we sat there for about 2 minutes chirping at each other, he would chirp I would make a kissy noise, he would chirp I would kiss. Pretty much non stop, he also climbed up my arm to be on my shoulder. I think thats a good sign :)

06-17-2008, 09:46 AM
Oh yes! Definitely a good sign. Me and Goof have our own chirping conversations every day. Sometimes we have a contest to see who will out chirp the other. He always wins :roll:. But then he has to throw in a few more chirps just for spite :mad:!...One of these days I'm gonna start a session near his bedtime, then maybe he'll get too tired and finally give up!...........:)

07-20-2008, 11:57 PM
I actually found that my newest lovie didn't want anything to do with me till I went on holidays for a week and a friend of mine looked after them. I came back today and she is not flying away when I come near and I can get nose to beak with her and she doesn't flinch anymore (although she still doesn't like hands) so after 5 months I am making progress. I also noticed that before I left to go on hols my older lovie would snuggle the younger one but then bite her feet....and now he doesn't do it anymore...

07-21-2008, 05:19 AM
Sounds like improvement!

Fenway does a "I'm going to fly to you!" dance. He will dance and bob all over his cage. When Fenway does this, he means "come and get me". LOL. So he may have wanted you to get him off of the bookshelf.