View Full Version : Whats the next step?

06-18-2008, 08:00 AM
Well, I just got Edith's and Archie's wings clip and they keep giving me this look like you have ruined the reason for my existience. Anyway, the person who did the clip said i should just hold them to get them use to me. The problem is they bite pretty hard. Would it still work if i cuttled them a wash cloth or something?

06-18-2008, 08:54 AM
Well, I just got Edith's and Archie's wings clip and they keep giving me this look like you have ruined the reason for my existience. Anyway, the person who did the clip said i should just hold them to get them use to me. The problem is they bite pretty hard. Would it still work if i cuttled them a wash cloth or something?

Hi Zach. Because your birds are still quite new to you and their environment the "washcloth" idea may not be the best route to take. I would save that for a much later date when their more used to being handled (if thats possible) or you have no choice but for reasons that make it necessary to examine them or transport them to vet care. Its simply better to first be patient and add lots of positive reinforcement. Some poeple suggest "toweling" birds to help get them used to being handled. While this may work for some, others may not adhere to such technique without making matters worse. Give them time to adjust to their temporary disability and make sure if they attempt to fly the area's nearby are safe. This would be a great time to encourage them to "step up" along with offering a treat or two. I've always felt if you can't meet them halfway then you may be forcing them to do something uncomfortable..............:)

06-18-2008, 12:47 PM
My vet suggested toweling my two to get them more used to me. It kind of worked for one and totally did not work for my other. In fact, I think I did more harm than good in trying. My little girl would constantly fight the towel and try to bite me the whole time I had her wrapped up. She hated it and we certainly did not make progress in taming with that method - in fact I think she was more afraid of me after. But it must work for some because several people suggested it. These little guys are just so different, you need to find what works for yours.

Good luck!

06-18-2008, 02:30 PM
That sounds kind of traumatizing... Luna would never speak to me again if I tried to towel her! One way to get a lovie used to you is to spend time by their cage talking to them and let them come to you. They will eventually because they are very curious by nature. With two lovies you may need to spend separate time with each one. Go into a bathroom or a bedroom with the door closed and just spend time talking and teaching them step up, each individually. I have heard it can be harder to tame 2 lovies together then one lone lovie. Goodluck, I am sure you will see in time that your lovies will be your necklace or bracelet and you will be wishing for a time when you didn't have poop on your shirt :D. Also I am not an expert, this is just what I have learned from this site.

*They may stop biting you once they realize you are not there to hurt them. Although some lovies never learn not to bite, every birdie is different so you just have to do what you can.

06-18-2008, 04:49 PM
Well, i took them both out but decided not to towel them, just go in with bar hands. Archie bit a little a first but then he kind of warmed up to the rubbing and got quiet. Edith was a little harder. She bit like a mad bird but also calmed down. I guess i need to get used to the bitting with the first stages of taming :roll: