View Full Version : Have to be gone

06-22-2008, 12:04 PM
Hi everyone-
Well, school's out for summer :clap which I'm really happy about, but...
my Mother-in-law had a stroke in January. She lives in CA. I went down to take care of her for 2 weeks in Feb., then I went back for spring break. My birdies were sure glad to see me come home! My husband is not all that fond of them and my kids can't take proper care of them.
Now that school is out, it's my turn to go to CA again, but this time I'll be gone for 3 whole weeks :( . I'm bringing the birds to my brother-in-law's house. He has lots of birds but not in the room where mine will be.
I know he'll take good care of them, but how stressed do you think they'll be hearing so many unfamiliar birds in the other room?
Is 3 weeks going to be that much of a bigger difference to them than 2 weeks were?
I'm bringing their own cages and toys, their own food and treats.
I hope I don't have to get them totally bonded to me again when I get home :very_sad:

06-22-2008, 06:13 PM
Jeni, I honestly think they will be fine and I gotta tell you that you are a jewel to do this for HIS mother, you M-I-L. Your hubby might want to rethink how nice he needs to be to your birds! :D You couldn't have paid me any amount of money to take off to take care of my M-I-L..... not that she would have welcomed me in the first place! :whistle:

I would feel far more comfortable leaving my birds in a household where other bird people live and they'll probably enjoy hearing the different chirps.

06-22-2008, 09:10 PM
Jeni. I too must add how thoughtful of you to see that your MIL gets the loving care she needs. She certainly has my prayers her condition will improve over time. Also, I can imagine how difficult it can be not having your family right nearby. The good part is at least you have family thats both familiar with and willing to care for your feathered ones in a reasonable setting. Really, I think the extra week of "contact calls" might just do more to welcome a returning familiar voice than anything else. Perhaps once you finally return, between the outside birdy ruckus and the unfamiliar indoor malaise you can then let them fill you in on all the details.................:)

06-23-2008, 12:35 AM
Thanks guys- my MIL is the most amazing person in the world. I'm the lucky one. She's been my best friend and more of a mom than my own ever was.
I have 2 sister-in-laws that live near her, and they each take care of her for 1/2 a week. My brother-in-law (who's watching my birds) comes home the day I leave. He's got too many birds to go to a sitter, so he has someone come in. When we get a chance to go to CA, it gives the girls a little break from the routine. She's still mostly paralyzed on one side and doesn't speak, but getting better. My husband was there at the beginning of the month.
I'm gone for 3 weeks, and then my husband is going to Alaska for salmon & halibut fishing when I get home.
My kids, dog, and birdies are going to have a big change in their routine this summer.
Oh- I'm sure Jack won't remember, but she'll be back in the house where she was born- and in the room next to her brother, sister, and niece.

06-25-2008, 10:52 AM
Leaving today for 3 weeks. Little stressed about bringing birds to another house, but don't really have a choice. I'm sure they'll be fine... right? :cry:
I'll probably be able to have a minute here and there to check in here and see what you're all up to :)

06-25-2008, 03:52 PM
I'm sure your birdies wil be fine! They are going to a loving and trusting bird family, which is a big thing. I hope all goes well!

:) :)

06-25-2008, 04:02 PM
good luck jeni - i'm sure everybirdie will be just fine. take good care of you and your wonderful mother-in-law.

06-25-2008, 08:12 PM
Jeni, bless your heart for being such a devoted DIL! Your MIL is lucky to have you. I am sure that you are aiding in her recovery -- I wish her nothing but the best.

The birdies will miss you and may give you the cold shoulder upon your return but honestly: they will still love you.

Kind thoughts,
