View Full Version : Temper Tantrums

06-27-2008, 10:11 AM
Jeez. I am really beginning to see what a remarkably docile lovebird I used to have. I thought all lovebirds were like him! L'il Devil didn't bite me once in the 13 years that I had him. He was always sweet as pie.

Then along comes Odie...

Odie isn't mean. He doesn't really bite to hurt. He is just very "assertive", and bites just hard enough to let you know how he feels. If he wants to chew on something, and I say, "ah, ah, ah" and shove his beak away from it, he will scream at me and bite and make it clear that he is not happy with my decision. There are times like last night when he gets really upset, and screams and screams and bites me over and over again. As I said before, he doesn't hurt when he bites, but it is very similar to a temper tantrum thrown by a two-year-old. I will just firmly say, "Hey! Hey! Stop! Settle down." Then speak calmly and try to get him settled.

But he is generally still a very sweet bird. But his tantrums remind me of the "bossy" description I've heard given to females of his breed. Makes me wonder whether "he" could be a "she", but so far haven't seen any of the telltale behaviour like tucking paper in the tailfeathers.

Really would like to be a fly on the wall, though, to see Odie and I when we are in the middle of an "argument". Him screaming with his head stretched out trying to bite anything that gets within reach, me wagging my finger at him and telling him to "settle down".

I remember one time thinking how funny it was when my tiny little ferret Koti got upset with me when I told him "no". Koti turned around, planted his feet, looked up at me and defiantly hissed! I thought it was so funny and gutsy for this little guy to act so defiant to a goliath like me. I have to think the same of Odie!

06-27-2008, 10:35 AM
LOLOL I have Odie's twin!! Peanut throws little hissy fits and stretches out his neck to bite anything he can reach too. It really hurts when he just gets a tiny bit of skin.

Peanut does not like to be plucked from my shoulder, nor my son's shoulder and he will let the person doing the plucking know it! Little turd!

06-27-2008, 04:32 PM
YEP! Lovies are definately individuals and their personalities run the gamut. The good thing is they tend to mellow with time. So hopefully Odie will get a little less bossy over time.8o

06-27-2008, 06:55 PM
Sam's tantrums are like a teen stomping off and slamming doors. She is almost always attached to me somewhere, but if she is mad she flies from room to room shrieking loudly. She wants to make sure everyone in the house knows that she is not happy!

When she is finished with the tantrum she lands back on my shoulder. However, if she is still mad she lands on my head (which I don't like and discourage) which means get ready for round 2.

It is hard to imagine all that attitude contained in such a little body. Hopefully Odie will realize that his fussing will not help him. Good luck being "the boss".

06-28-2008, 11:40 AM
Most of Goofy lovebirds temperament is really attributed to how he perceives his environment. When not riding my shoulder throughout the house his investigative instincts give way to making sure all is well on the home front. Usually he starts out flying window to window looking for suspects relative to his own existence. Sometimes he responds with kissies or contact calls and other times he comes and nips my fingers to alert of a possible invasion. The only time he shows any real aggression is when I'm typing on the computer or using the phone. Really though, he's very forgiving and often allows for their continued usage provided its with "one" hand only. Other times his frustration results in firmer nips followed by a fluffed shake of his wings. Thats when I turn him over, tickle his feet and belly, then ask him a barrage of questions like "who does he think he is?", "where did he come from?", "where's his beak?"!!! He absolutely loves the attention (even though it may take me an hour to type two lines of words). There are other times he nibbles for attention and is very gentle. Yeah, we've went through the bitey stage for a couple years, but since then our agreement no longer includes those dreadful two words "NO BITE!"...................:)

06-28-2008, 12:22 PM
Bea is almost 4 months old and when she doesn't get her way she will scream! She looks exactly like a 2 year old having a temper tantrum! One time she was on my finger, jumped on my head I removed her, then she jumped on my chest, ran up to my face and bit me on the chin! I put her in her cage for a time out then took her out again and she did the same thing! I try to remain calm and just say "no bite, gentle" but sometimes it's just so hard not to laugh! She hasn't repeated this but she just doesn't like too much contact and only occasional skritches. She loves riding shoulders and the like but only on her terms! I'm hoping she is just still learning to trust and will eventually come to love more skritches. Time will tell!

Buy A Paper Doll
07-03-2008, 08:23 PM
Really would like to be a fly on the wall, though, to see Odie and I when we are in the middle of an "argument". Him screaming with his head stretched out trying to bite anything that gets within reach, me wagging my finger at him and telling him to "settle down".

Not laughing AT you, laughing WITH you because God knows, I've been there many many times. Melody and I have had screaming matches, exactly as you describe, only Mel flaps her wings for added emphasis.

I hate to tell you this, but ... uh ... (cough cough) hen behavior (cough cough) :roll:

07-04-2008, 07:30 AM
I hate to tell you this, but ... uh ... (cough cough) hen behavior (cough cough)

hee hee

Yeah, I'm thinking this more and more often. My last lovie was so sweet and loveable, never bit, was docile enough to live about 10 years of his life with a cockatiel and I may have even put keets with him for a time. He wasn't DNAd, but I've always been pretty positive from his mating behaviour that he was a "he".

Odie has a bossiness that I never saw with Li'l Devil. He wants what he wants, and "he" will fight for it. When you deny him something, he isn't afraid to voice his displeasure. But he is still very sweet most of the time. It just becomes a battle of wills at times, and my will wins!

I've always said that I get along better with guys than women. Hen. <groan> :wink: