View Full Version : Home made toys??

07-25-2005, 03:51 PM
I am making homemade toys for my new Love Bird that I am going to get in 3 weeks and I asked my mom if I should use beads they can play with and she said that she didn't know if they were safe or not. Are they?

07-25-2005, 03:58 PM
Any beads that you use should be large enough so that they can't be swallowed in case your lovebird succeeds in taking the toy apart. They have strong beaks and they are persistent. You will also have to be careful what other kind of material you use, as some can cause harm to your lovebird. We have several cautions on what kind of toys can be dangerous. Please do some reading before you make your own toys. Many times, even the ones for sale are not always safe!!