View Full Version : Lovebird losing feathers

07-25-2005, 04:22 PM
My baby is losing feathers around his rump. I don't know if he is bored or what. I have two lovies and lately I have been soooooooooo busy I have not given them the attention that they are used to. When I got a closer look there are what looks like little black specs on the skin right where the shaft of where a feather would grow. His feathers look like they are tring to grow back but never seem to. The other lovie is fine.

Whats up with this????? Thanks all!

07-25-2005, 04:30 PM
It would be a good idea to allow an avian vet to take a look at your lovie. The vet can rule out skin infections, etc. that might cause the feather loss or plucking. It's possible that it's behavioral, but I'd strongly recommend you have a vet make the call. Untreated illness can kill a lovebird pretty fast, and they are really good at hiding illness.
Good luck and let us know how it goes!

Added: Please look at this link from our Useful Links Forum:
It might help, as well.

07-25-2005, 06:28 PM
My lovie is an older bird that we adopted two years ago. He does have one area, left side of his little bum, that he does pick. I took him to the vet so that she could assure me that nothing was seriously wrong. I think anytime you have an issue like that, it's worth seeing an avian vet. As Suzanne mentioned, our birds can get sick very fast so my first choice is to always let his vet look at him when I think something might be wrong.