View Full Version : Lost bird?

07-04-2008, 10:26 AM
Last weekend, we saw what appeared to be a yellow budgie in a tree in our backyard. It sounded like one too. We tried calling to it to get it to come down but it flew away. I was doubtful a tame bird could survive around here - there are lots of hawks and falcons. :(

Today, my husband saw a yellow bird flying between the trees in the neighbours backyard. He said it was bigger, like a cockatiel. I think it is the same bird!

I put an old cage I have with food, water and a big spray millet in it out on our deck railings. I hope the bird comes back and sees it!

I am pretty sure I saw a sign out on the posts around our home for a lost cockatiel recently. I will double check today.

I keep whistling and calling to see if I can attract the bird back here. Also, my 2 lovebirds are chirping up a storm so I hope that will help lure the bird closer.

I really hope we can rescue this guy! It is so sad when birdies go missing.

Any tips or advice? Thanks!

07-04-2008, 10:47 AM
Hi Christine,
Since the bird may not be tame and you are not the owner, you are doing about all you can do. The only other thing I can think of is to post a bird sighted message for 911 Parrot Alert so they can get the information out on their list. This bird may very well be hungry and if it sees your cage and food, you should stand a good chance of catching it. Unlike lovebirds when they escape, Tiels will fly and fly and fly until they are exhausted. They can end up miles from home before that happens. :(

07-04-2008, 10:58 AM
Unlike lovebirds when they escape, Tiels will fly and fly and fly until they are exhausted. They can end up miles from home before that happens.

Yep, this is what my mother was told when she found a cockatiel in her yard, absolutely exhausted. She's had him for years now. He evidently flew until he was too exhausted to fly any longer, and just landed in the yard and started screaming for someone to come get him!

Same thing with my ex-mother-in-law. She found one in a parking lot under similar circumstances.

I hope for the best for the little guy!

07-04-2008, 11:38 AM
I'm anal to a fault when it comes to making sure that my birds don't have direct access to the great outdoors!! While the thought of free flight is intriguing, too many things can go wrong and it's always the pet bird that will pay the price! Pet birds that escape and either find new homes or find their way back to their owners are really very, very, very lucky.

I hope that this yellow bird is lucky!

07-04-2008, 03:43 PM
I hope this bird is lucky too!

I heard the bird this morning, shortly after starting this thread. I went outside and called to it and tried to see it up high in the trees. I couldn't. Then the bird flew away towards a neighbor's backyard. :( I got a quick look - this bird is bright yellow, the size of a cockatiel. Can they be bright yellow? I thought they were paler. No sign of the bird since. I will keep the cage out still and keep hoping.

There is a posting at the end of my street for a lost cockatiel. The poor guy is even offering a reward for his bird. I don't know if this is the one as his ad said grey,yellow and white.


07-04-2008, 04:41 PM
You should contact the guy with the poster. It seems to coincidental that you have a pet bird hanging around and he has lost one. Maybe he could leave his cage in your yard and try to tempt the bird with some treats that he knows it likes.

At the very least, the owner of the missing bird will feel better knowing that someone is paying attention whether that is his bird or not.

07-04-2008, 05:46 PM
I called the owners of the lost cockatiel. They have had several calls about this yellow bird - apparently it is a budgie (a BIG one!) and it has been in the area for a while now, feeding at bird feeders. The lady I spoke to even tried to catch him and couldn't!

She had a call from a fair distance away (Etobicoke, south and west of Thornhill where we live) and there was a cockatiel of her bird's description found. It is pied, white and yellow with grey on the wings and yellow cheeks. The bird was exhausted and weak. It is now on antibiotics and starting to chirp and feel better. Although it hasn't said it's name (Daisy) like she used to so the lady's husband is not convinced it is really their bird. They will take the bird to the vet to get clipped/trimmed and sexed and maybe find out. At the very least, they did rescue a bird in trouble. She has posted at Parrot 911 and there are no other lost cockatiels like this one reported.

I will continue to try to rescue this budgie.

07-06-2008, 12:58 AM
Anymore luck so far?

07-06-2008, 09:49 AM
No. :( I didn't hear the little guy at all yesterday. I hope he's ok! I have the cage still out just in case.

07-06-2008, 12:00 PM
Awwww! What a nice thing for you to do! Your efforts are admired. :) I sure hope that the little thing will be found as well. Thanks so much for doing what you have done to try to catch this bird. Perhaps in time you will know something. Hopefully, it is returned home.