View Full Version : Had a scare...

07-07-2008, 12:50 AM
...this morning!
Although I'm not as lucky as Robyn in Europe :nyah: , I am in Cali for 3 weeks taking care of my mother-in-law, who had a stoke. This is my 3rd trip since Feb. The first two times, I left Jack & Chino at home, but no one was too thrilled about that :mad: - so this time I brought them to my BIL's (who is a bird person).
Greg is IN LOVE with Chino and had him out this morning when I was on the phone with him. He told me how cute it was when Chino climbed on a boing in the kitchen and was checking everything out. Apparently, Greg left the room for a minute (Chino doesn't like to be alone and will try to follow, and does not fly well at all). So this is what I hear...
"Chino? OMG WHERE IS HE?!!!!" "Chino? Chino? Jeni- I can't find him!"
I can hear the panic in his cracking voice and he says "I'll call you back" and hangs up the phone.
So now I'm freaking out :cry: , picturing the things that could have happened to my baby... 125 gallon fish tank, dog, cat, doggie door, behind the fridge, etc.
Greg is running around his house like a crazy person, pulled out the stove etc.
It took like 10 minutes for him to call me back, although it felt like an hour.
When he left the room, Chino tried to follow, I guess, and made it as far as the doorway, where he ended up on the top of the open door. Greg ran right past him when he saw that he was missing and didn't look up. Chino was watching him run around like mad the whole time, and didn't speak a word.
THANK GOODNESS he didn't shut the door on his way into the kitchen.
New rule: Jeni's birds are only to be held in the room where they are staying and not left unattended, even for a second.
Boy, will I be glad to get home!

07-07-2008, 01:00 AM
Whew!!!!! That's a relief to hear!

It's just amazing how quickly a parrot can get into trouble when left unattended even for an instant! Glad everything is OK! :)

07-07-2008, 09:46 AM
Jenna, holy moly! :omg: I'm sure that 10 minutes did feel like an hour! So glad to hear that he's OK and that you've made a new rule about your lovies!

07-07-2008, 12:23 PM
Chino is my gcc. Greg has small birds (all lovies and 2 java rice finches).
Chino is larger than Jack and has a really long tail. It's funny (but not so funny) that he didn't see him as he went past him.

07-07-2008, 01:01 PM
Wow, talk about instant gray hairs. I'm glad everything came out okay.

07-07-2008, 07:54 PM
Whew -- what a relief!

Pickle LOVES to be out and on top of his cage. So far I trust him there for a moment or two... sort of? I make sure to close the door if I have to leave the room for fear of what kind of a mischief such a little parrot can get into!

So sorry for the scare but I'm thrilled that Chino is A-OK!