View Full Version : Okay, Sam is a boy

07-08-2008, 10:31 PM
For the last week or so, Sam has been doing this thing where she prances back and forth across my chest and then acts like she is going to puke on me. I have been interrupting this before she actually does it. Makes me suspect my she is a he.

Well, tonight I was reading and not paying attention. Sam was happily fighting with my shirt sleeve. After a while, I look over and he has bunched up my sleeve and is getting his freak on!! Ewwww! :x I love him, but not that much. After I shooed him off he attempted it a couple more times then gave up. I know it is a natural bird behavior, but he has got to find a new girlfriend. I wish he played with toys more so he could focus his energy somewhere else.

Although I have to admit, I am wearing a new shirt and I DO look pretty good! :wink:

07-08-2008, 11:23 PM
LOL :rotfl don't be so sure! Although there is a good chance Sam is a boy, my Jack was doing this exact behavior for many months...
And then laid 6 eggs!
He- oops ;) I mean SHE went at it non-stop with a paper towel, my hand, and her favorite- the Jingle bell!

07-09-2008, 08:51 AM
I mean SHE went at it non-stop with a paper towel, my hand, and her favorite- the Jingle bell!
I have at least one proven hen that does the same thing..... :rolleyes: