View Full Version : Camping

07-16-2008, 11:30 PM
This coming Monday i'm going camping for 5 days and my lovebird Kiwi is going to stay home. I have a family friend that is going to come everyday to check in on him and give him fresh water. In the daytime i'm going to leave on the radio so he doesn't feel lonely and my friend will turn it off at night I am also going to leave the curtains open and she will also close those at night. I wanted to know if their is anything that I should do or if their is something I am going to do that I shouldn't do?

07-17-2008, 01:07 AM
Is there any way that Kiwi can stay with some one or can you board him at your vet's office? There are a lot of things that can potentially go wrong (and why does that always happen when we are not around!) that I would be very nervous leaving any of my birds at home by themselves. Granted, your friend will be coming in to check on him but I, personally, don't think this is a good idea.

Just my own :2cents:

07-17-2008, 06:38 PM
Okay thank you I could ask her if she would keep him at her house and if not I will keep him at the vets office.