View Full Version : What do your lovebirds do that makes you laugh?

Dede' Arneaux
07-18-2008, 04:43 PM
Hi all,

The funniest things our boys do is...

- dance to their own reflection in the window
- reach for hanging food in the most bizarre positions
- duck their heads in the water dish after they've been sprayed

All good fun,
what do your guys get up to that makes you laugh:rofl:

07-18-2008, 06:58 PM
Hrmm where to start...
Heres my top 10.
10- when they ignore the big sources of water and instead bathe in the tinyest spots such as a bottle cap or in their water dish and have to dunk themselves piece by piece a head a wing a feather butt.

9- When they poop in your spouses or significant others mouth as they complain to you or take a nap (even more funny when its a fly by bombing poop).

8- How they like to play and act silly but as soon as you look at them they stop and pretend they are to mature of a bird to be playing silly games.

7-How they turn thier head to the side and stare at something intently with one eye (especialy when they drop a toy and wait for you to pick it up)

6-How they make sure to nibble any blemish, mole, or bug bite to make sure you know that its there.

5- How they go from 100mph to a dead sleep in a second like there is only two setting hyper speed and off.

4- How they are so brave and have such big personalitys in small little bodys.

3- How they pick up on your moods and know just the right things to do.

2- How they do everything with relish weather its eating or bathing or demanding scritches!

1- And the number one reason my lovies make me laugh is no matter how much i spoil them i want to spoil them more!

07-18-2008, 07:54 PM
In a way I feel this is an admission of guilt....but...:D....Every now and then Goof gets himself into a predicament by hanging from the upper cage bars by his beak. You can probably imagine his futility while trying to grab onto the cage bars with his feet.........:rofl:...........Ok well, I have come to his rescue a couple times (:() but also felt he needed to learn his lesson just in case some day I'm not around to "save" him. But then....low and behold he found a small vase I just found he thought he could sneak into. After getting hold of its edge with his trusty beak he found the sides too slippery to use his little feets to climb all the way up. Good thing he wasn't able to climb inside as he'd never get out! Lets just say he's still learning :whistle:.

Pips mom
07-18-2008, 09:52 PM
I love #7 also.....how they turn their head when they look at something! With Pip......he sleeps on a little platform thing on the side of his cage......he goes over there and gets in his sleeping spot when he's ready to go to sleep for the night......I cover over him with a blanket and in the morning he usually gets up before us.......well every morning if we aren't up yet, he comes out......runs across the couch, and gets on the other bird's cage.....climbs up under their blanket and sleeps there until we get up! He does this every morning!

07-19-2008, 01:25 AM
The photo in my avatar is Jack sitting atop a vase on my mantle. It's made of very heavy brass with inlaid stone. He sits on the rim, puts his head into it and does a loud chirp so he can hear the cool echo in there.
He does it over and over. It's really funny- and a pretty sound, too.

Dede' Arneaux
07-19-2008, 04:58 AM
Hrmm where to start...
Heres my top 10.
10- when they ignore the big sources of water and instead bathe in the tinyest spots such as a bottle cap or in their water dish and have to dunk themselves piece by piece a head a wing a feather butt.

7-How they turn thier head to the side and stare at something intently with one eye (especialy when they drop a toy and wait for you to pick it up)

5- How they go from 100mph to a dead sleep in a second like there is only two setting hyper speed and off.

Yes indeedio - those above are very true for us too, its good to know our little weirdos are normal:rofl:

Here's another -

How they can be so precise in the movements yet still lose their footing and fall of perches with a yelp and and a flourish of feathers - brilliant.

07-19-2008, 09:09 AM
All of the already mentioned and then some!!! :rofl:

- when Kiwi rings his bell in his cage to let me know he is more than ready to come out. Like a master (kiwi) calling his servant (me)

- when he tilts his head completely sideways to listen to something we are saying.

- when he yells at the dog SO LOUDLY (for doing something offensive to him) while on my shoulder, cause he knows he is completely safe from the big black dog!!

- when he walks down the flight of stairs in my house, even though he is completely flighted. We look at him and say - you know you are a bird right???? You could just fly right??

I just love that bird!!! :happy: :happy:

Pips mom
07-19-2008, 12:26 PM
- when he walks down the flight of stairs in my house, even though he is completely flighted. We look at him and say - you know you are a bird right???? You could just fly right??

That is too funny!!! I thought of a couple more......Pip, he hates being held and touched, well my boyfriend sometimes teases Pip (which he takes it all in stride!) and will chase him and pick him up against his will.....well....when he's trying to get Pip, Pip will "CHIRP" really loud at him, and it sounds as if he's yelling at him!
Also Pip's famous head bob, grunting noise.....it's the cutest thing when he does this, bobs his head and makes the cutest little grunting noise....he always does this when he is happy!

07-19-2008, 09:34 PM
Great thread! Lovebirds are so funny!

I laugh when Squeaky hangs upside down in his cage and looks at me like, well, come over and let me out! And now Ducky does the same thing! :rofl:

I laugh when Ducky attacks his bell toy and all you can hear is the jingling of bells - makes me glad he doesn't do that to my fingers.

I laugh when they chirp (little cute chirps!) when they are snoozing. So sweet and silly. :happy:

07-19-2008, 10:04 PM
Great thread! :clap

I always leave a roll of paper towels on my computer desk -- Kitten is a PIG :wink: -- and sometimes, when Kit has decided I'm not paying enough attention to her, she'll make tunnels out of a sheet of the towels and push it around the desk, herself underneath it. I always say she's pretending to be a ghost.

Sometimes, when we're walking around the house and Kit sees something she ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE she climbs down from my shoulder all the way to the floor and sets off running into another room. I just crack up at her little goofy waddle. As soon as she sees I've gone the other way, she turns around and chases after me, giving me this chirp like, "Where are you going? You're supposed to be following me!" :lol

07-19-2008, 10:21 PM
I love when Isabella really wants her head rubbed - despite the fact i am working on my computer and am busy.
She burrows her head right under the arch in my hand and waits there until I am ready to stop typing and rub her head ;)

07-20-2008, 04:01 AM
Well this certainly made my better half? laugh.:rofl:
Sam and Sooz were as usual squarking loudly for their morning porridge, but as I wanted to put a color in my hair I decided to do that first. After applying the color I piled my hair up to leave for the required time and proceeded to make their porridge (egg biscuit and hot water).
Instead of the usual rush to see who could eat first they both dived into their box and no amount of coaxing could get them out.


07-20-2008, 05:45 AM
When they they fly really fast towards the window sill or the top of my telly and skid to a halt or even fall over! When Bobble picks of the keys on my mobile phone and flys off with them, and the funniest, when Sticky sits on my head, then all of a sudden a little head appears just above my eyes as he gets hole of my eyebrow or eyelashes! :D

07-20-2008, 07:21 PM
and the funniest, when Sticky sits on my head, then all of a sudden a little head appears just above my eyes as he gets hold of my eyebrow or eyelashes! :D

Snot and Booger do that! They'll be on my head, preening and doing thier thing and suddenly, a little pink head pops up, checks me out v-e-r-y carefully and grabs onto an eyebrow. Or piercing which is less pleasant. :omg:
They crack me up when the bubs decide cos Im home, they should be out of their cage. If their doors arent pegged they pick em up over and over, making smashing noises to voice their discontent. And if there are pegs on the doors, they swear at me. Pace and chirp, pace and chirp, really loud until I cave. :roll:
And pegging? Didn't think it necessary until I came home on the weekend to an empty cage!! :omg: I was panicky - rushing around the house trying to find them (they weren't on their gym - where else would they be!). Little buggers had crawled under their cage cover, snuggled in and gone to sleep. I couldn't even be angry, they were so warm and sleepy. :lol Wasn't laughing then but I can now....

07-20-2008, 08:29 PM
7-How they turn thier head to the side and stare at something intently with one eye (especialy when they drop a toy and wait for you to pick it up)

LOL! One of Fenway's favorite games is "I throw it, you pick it up and give it back to me".

More things that makes me laugh?

His rebellion at bedtime. I just covered his cage for the night and he is voicing his discontent and ringing bells.

He has been honking when I tell him "no" lately.

And when he does this:

Buy A Paper Doll
07-21-2008, 11:26 AM
So many good ones have already been suggested. Mine participate in conversations, sometimes I wonder if they do actually understand what we're saying.

Me, angry: "You paid HOW MUCH for that thing?!"
Spouse: "$$$$"
Milo: <whistle>


Whenever Melody is scolded for being obnoxious, she responds with "peekaboo!" because she knows that this is her "get out of jail free for being cute" card. Hubby will say "peekaboo back atcha, baby" and that's the end of the discussion.

Pips mom
07-21-2008, 12:07 PM
This is too funny.......I think lovies are right at the top of the list of doing funny things......I notice alot of things here that Pip does......he will hang upside down in his cage to look all cute when he wants me to let him out.....I noticed someone else said this as well. And I do think sometimes he understands what I am saying......when he is out of cage and with Ivy, I have to watch him for nipping.......well all I have to do is PIPie be good!! and he listens! it's like he knows just by the tone of my voice! smart little stinkers they are! Just gotta love how they somehow seem to know how cute they are and that it can win them their wishes if they do something cute!

08-01-2008, 01:22 AM
For the whole of the 24 hours I have had elmo..
the funniest thing he does is the awkward way of trying to get to his food bowl. even though I have bought a ladder for him.. though he doesn't trust it at all..

Dede' Arneaux
08-01-2008, 04:10 PM
When there are outdoor scenes on TV there is usually the sound of birdsong - our boys start chirping to the birds on the TV - brilliant!:rotfl

08-01-2008, 07:21 PM
Our two lovebirds like to pick up, and toss silverware.

some of the silverware, esp the butter knives weigh over 70g
(which is a pretty impressive clean & jerk, for a ~50g bird!)

They also like to push dishes, and glasses off the counter tops.

When the dishes/glasses crash on the floor, they give
a loud (Yeah!) squawk, with a happy wing flap, and then
peer over the edge to make sure the dishes won't climb back up.

(Did I mention we take care now, to put dishes away promptly
when the birds are out of the cages?)

One of our birds, squawks everytime she sees something drop;

If we fill a glass with ice, dropping the cubes in 1-2 at time,
she'll squawk at each one. Almost the same sort of squawk,
as a contact call, as though she can't help it (auto-reflex)...

08-02-2008, 03:07 PM
Upside-downy heads! The two brothers, Bongo and Barney, often take delight in looking at the world upside down, even though the rest of their bodies are right side-up.

I also used to love it when Gracie would look out of the hole in her nest box. This single black eye would watch me whenever I came close. Now she always has a full-open front nestbox, so she can watch and supervise the world at her leisure.

08-03-2008, 06:42 PM
I think it's incredibly funny when I try to get him to step up and he decides that he doesn't want to, he flies off and when I chase him, he runs around on the floor! It cracks me up and we call him Pigeon when he does that.

It's also funny to me just watching as he sits and chatters. Such a loud noise from a tiny little body! It requires so much force to create the sound that his tail and whole body all push for each squaawwk!

08-03-2008, 07:01 PM
Another funny one - I went to pick Ducky up from the floor after he tried to fly (his wings are clipped) and I gave him a little wicker ball and he chased it all over the floor! It was hilarious! :rofl:

08-05-2008, 12:31 PM
Hee hee, so many funny things! LOL! One of my favorites is how Sushi will CHIRP quite disapprovingly at my husband whenever he touches me when she's in her cage, as though it's unfair that she can't defend me. And if she IS out and he touches me, she'll run right to the point of contact and chirp at him again. hahah!

I also really enjoy the sleep-chirps when she's sleeping! so cuuuute!

08-09-2008, 11:11 AM
I love how Romeo and Juliet will be sleeping her they little Hut and Romeo will sleep chirp at Juliet to wake her so she will preen him. when she doesn't wake up he barks at her and then he will chirp once really loudly then if she still ignores him then he will start preening her (with his eyes still closed) and then go back to sleep. He will then try a couple minutes later until he finally gives up and just bites her and flies off like "ohhh no she gonna get me!"

08-09-2008, 12:23 PM
Lately Eddie has been running down my back, gripping the long T-shirt I wear around bedtime (with just underwear underneath - hope this isn't TMI ;))..... he goes under, hanging upside down, and bites me right on the butt!

I think he gets a kick out of my reaction.

08-10-2008, 10:24 PM
Now the olympics is on..
if elmo hears people cheer on the tellie.. he will start to cheer with them... though when they stop.. he stops as well...

08-11-2008, 04:56 PM
Now the olympics is on..
if elmo hears people cheer on the tellie.. he will start to cheer with them... though when they stop.. he stops as well...

Ditto loves hockey games! He always cheers when the flyers score and screams at fights (ok he's just screaming with the fans but I like to think he's cheering on the fight). He also likes to whistle with the referees. :rofl:

He also likes to hang upside down from shirt sleeves and look around.

08-11-2008, 07:06 PM
Cricket has a new thing she loves which is to sing with her head inside her covered water dish.


She is so funny. She must think she sounds better in there--as we do when singing in the shower, right? :blush: :lol


P.S. I love this thread too! Good idea!

08-11-2008, 07:41 PM
I forgot to mention the "Ditto Dance". If you ask him if he wants to do "The Ditto Dance" he'll bounce around, dance and chirp like a little nut.:rofl:

08-12-2008, 12:09 AM
chickobee i see you've got a fantastic wicket keeper there!!

z28taxman.. you should film the ditto dance!!! would love to see it.

08-12-2008, 06:52 AM
Cricket has a new thing she loves which is to sing with her head inside her covered water dish.


She is so funny. She must think she sounds better in there--as we do when singing in the shower, right? :blush: :lol


P.S. I love this thread too! Good idea!


Dede' Arneaux
09-07-2008, 01:58 PM
I cant believe the latest preening procedure they've introduced...

Orange boy is hanging upside down from the top of the cage by his foot. While yellow boy nibbles that same foot, Orange boy is biting yellow boy's feet.


I think there's gonna be a fight soon